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ה' בתשרי התשע"ז
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00:59:11 ◀︎ White Jews left the movement for racial justice. But it’s not too late to return
01:08:29 ◀︎ UN Security Council to hold special meeting on Israeli settlements
01:48:52 ◀︎ Alzheimer's effects reversed in mice by targeting 'bad' gene, not plaque
03:34:46 ◀︎ Hurricane Matthew death toll in Haiti jumps to 339, as Florida braces for 'potentially disastrous impacts'
03:40:42 ◀︎ Bennett: We must act now and 'give our lives' for the annexation of the West Bank
06:08:04 ◀︎ With help from Israeli justice minister, road cleared for settler group to expand East Jerusalem enclave
08:24:40 ◀︎ Dozens of Israeli Mizrahi girls refused by Ashkenazi schools stuck at home
09:53:46 ◀︎ Israeli farms illegally cultivating hundreds of acres of Palestinian land across border
11:03:27 ◀︎ 1973: Moshe Dayan allegedly suggests Israel demonstrate its nuclear capacity
11:50:00 ◀︎ Iran nuclear deal still fragile, UN atomic chief says
12:31:29 ◀︎ Bennett backtracks on West Bank annexation comments
12:47:49 ◀︎ Colombian President Santos wins Nobel Peace Prize
12:53:40 ◀︎ State comptroller urges attorney general to open criminal probe of Netanyahu
14:04:17 ◀︎ Israel’s new hasbara video channels SNL, but offends like South Park
14:35:51 ◀︎ U.K. suspends aid to Palestinians over concern it reaches terrorists
17:14:29 ◀︎ Culture Minister Regev orders play vetted for 'insulting state symbols'
18:10:00 ◀︎ Israel deports detainees from women's Gaza flotilla
18:37:29 ◀︎ The Holocaust train that led Jews to freedom instead of death
19:12:29 ◀︎ And the Nobel Prize for good intentions goes to...
19:38:43 ◀︎ Using Obama's tactics and Netanyahu's rhetoric, Lapid aims to take Israel by storm
20:29:50 ◀︎ West Bank settlement-building activity quadrupled this year, monitoring group says
21:33:37 ◀︎ Leaving famed liberalism behind, Jews around the world drift to the right
22:08:18 ◀︎ Hurricane Matthew: 842 dead in Haiti, more than 1 million without power in Florida
22:53:13 ◀︎ U.S. formally accuses Russia of using cyber attacks to subvert elections