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ג' בחשוון התשע"ז
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07:44:04 ◀︎ Blast rocks southeastern Turkey city after MPs detained
07:53:41 ◀︎ Philippines steps up security after US warns citizens of kidnap threat
07:53:41 ◀︎ Death toll in Indonesia boat sinking jumps to 51
07:53:41 ◀︎ Iraqi troops begin assault deeper into Mosul neighborhoods
10:52:30 ◀︎ Afghan police: Roadside bombing in Helmand kills reporter
11:03:11 ◀︎ Police evacuate Paris migrant camp that grew after Calais
11:03:11 ◀︎ Kurdish women fighters battle ISIS with machineguns and songs
11:03:11 ◀︎ US to deploy THAAD anti-missile battery in S.Korea in 8-10 mths
11:21:19 ◀︎ Man collapses during Haifa race
11:56:38 ◀︎ Iraqi forces say six Mosul districts seized from ISIS
15:25:37 ◀︎ Relative calm as humanitarian pause begins in Syria's Aleppo
16:24:51 ◀︎ At least two U.S. trainers killed in Jordan shooting
17:20:54 ◀︎ 1 dead, 7 injured in Indonesia clashes
17:20:54 ◀︎ Kenya deports South Sudan rebel official over Facebook post
17:20:54 ◀︎ Egypt says arrests seven militants, links them to Muslim Brotherhood
19:24:35 ◀︎ Swiss court upholds refusal of permit for Islamic kindergarten
19:24:35 ◀︎ Raytheon says Germany could get Patriot upgrades in a year
19:34:05 ◀︎ Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage
20:51:18 ◀︎ Benin authorities charge politician over cocaine haul
20:51:18 ◀︎ UN chief condemns Turkish car bomb attack
22:07:23 ◀︎ Foreign help building Eritrea bases violates embargo
22:16:53 ◀︎ Yemeni rebels show alleged Saudi captives on TV
23:21:22 ◀︎ UN cease-fire monitors to deploy in Colombia
23:21:22 ◀︎ Diplomat accused of hitting wife goes home due to immunity
23:21:22 ◀︎ African states bid to stop work of U.N. gay rights investigator