צפיות בכותרות
ט' בשבט התשע"ו
▲︎ לוהט
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
15:01:02 ◀︎ Netanyahu third most popular leader on social media
15:09:05 ◀︎ UK website targets parents who fear children may join ISIS
15:21:46 ◀︎ 2 armed Palestinian Arabs caught near Route 505
15:28:36 ◀︎ Suicide blast kills at least 10 in northwest Pakistan
15:35:21 ◀︎ Iran to get $$32B of unfrozen assets after sanctions end
15:42:30 ◀︎ Ya'alon: Dafna was a 'woman of valor'
15:55:56 ◀︎ Fire breaks out at Petach Tikva community center, no casualties
16:06:21 ◀︎ Netanya: Female driver injured in collision involving truck
16:15:27 ◀︎ Netanyahu associates accuse Bennett of stealing ideas
16:27:04 ◀︎ 2 Beitar Yerushalayim fans distanced from soccer fields
16:32:52 ◀︎ Kenya brings back bodies of troops killed in Somalia attack
16:44:25 ◀︎ Yesha Council: Dan Shapiro’s statements influenced by anti-Israel organizations
16:53:40 ◀︎ 'My father felt we must support peace even as terror hits close'
17:07:29 ◀︎ Gideon Sa’ar: We are losing Jerusalem
17:14:26 ◀︎ Iran's Khamenei warns against US 'deceit' in nuclear deal
17:24:42 ◀︎ Netanyahu: We’re not talking about a territorial dispute
17:30:36 ◀︎ Eiffel Tower sees fewer visitors after Paris attacks
17:36:13 ◀︎ NIF President delivers bizarre TV performance
17:45:24 ◀︎ Thousands attend funeral for Rabbi Refael Shmuelevitz
17:48:51 ◀︎ Arab terrorists hurl rocks at cars in Binyamin
17:59:18 ◀︎ Netanyahu meets with US Amb. Dan Shapiro
18:12:06 ◀︎ Be’er Sheva: Construction worker injured in fall from height
18:21:06 ◀︎ US: 9 New Jersey schools evacuated due to bomb threats
18:30:22 ◀︎ Edelstein: Citizens are disappointed in conduct at the Knesset
18:32:40 ◀︎ Arab terrorists hurl rocks at Jerusalem light rail
18:41:59 ◀︎ New American-style community underway in Ramat Givat Zeev
18:53:38 ◀︎ Rivlin: We are not ready to legislate
19:00:42 ◀︎ Eilat: Police scanning area for knife-waving suspect
19:10:02 ◀︎ Chief Rabbi Yosef: Israel is first Jewish, then democratic
19:18:18 ◀︎ Arab Terrorists firebomb car in Samaria
19:26:25 ◀︎ Netanyahu: We will remain in Israel forever
19:31:05 ◀︎ Former Likud minister slams Netanyahu's 'passivity'
19:42:43 ◀︎ Iranian Revolutionary Guard officer accuses Saudis of defending Israel
19:55:23 ◀︎ 'The knowledge she is gone is unbearable'
20:02:20 ◀︎ Tomorrow: No Palestinian Arab workers in Modiin Illit, Beitar Illit
20:08:09 ◀︎ 'Until Hadar's body is returned, our dignity is gone'
20:16:18 ◀︎ Police arrest 2nd leftwing activist following media probe
20:23:18 ◀︎ French PM: 3 Burkina Faso attack suspects still at large
20:30:15 ◀︎ Finance Minister meets with head of ‘Mega’ workers union
20:38:29 ◀︎ Labor voters don't want French Aliyah?
20:45:24 ◀︎ Uri Ariel visits family of terror victim Dafna Meir in Otniel
20:53:38 ◀︎ Forex: Losses on Tuesday afternoon
21:00:38 ◀︎ Arabs throw rocks at cars on the road from Gush Etzion to Jerusalem
21:04:10 ◀︎ TIME says 'settlers' run 'plantations'
21:06:31 ◀︎ Foreign Ministry displays 'Bridge to the World' art exhibition
21:08:50 ◀︎ Supreme Court hears yet another appeal by ex-PM Olmert
21:08:51 ◀︎ Watch: Israel Daily newscast
21:41:31 ◀︎ MK Shaffir: If leaders incite, how can there be no incitement on social media?!
21:49:20 ◀︎ Tomorrow: No Palestinian Arab workers in Gush Etzion, Hevron Hills
21:55:07 ◀︎ Afghans revolted as husband cuts off wife’s nose