צפיות בכותרות
כ"ז באדר ב' התשע"ט
▲︎ לוהט
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
15:39:08 ◀︎ MK Levy-Abekasis: "Gesher will decide who will form the government"
15:46:52 ◀︎ Danny Ayalon thanks former UK PM Brown for his support of Jews
15:59:43 ◀︎ Bank Hapoalim hit with NIS 385 thousand fine
16:00:56 ◀︎ Smotrich: Mixed-gender service harms IDF's capabilities
16:03:11 ◀︎ Israeli Arab arrested for weapon smuggling
16:18:37 ◀︎ Man arrested for planning terror attack in French Jewish kindergarten
16:24:23 ◀︎ French students film themselves vandalizing Jewish group office
16:26:42 ◀︎ MKs to AG: Concerns ‘Breaking the Silence’ holds classified military intel
16:34:46 ◀︎ President of European Commission: no postponement for Brexit
16:41:27 ◀︎ Report:Terrorists in Gaza have ordered end to violence near the fence
16:50:01 ◀︎ Minister Erdan: Will the law ban the sending of anonymous letters ?
16:56:45 ◀︎ Bennett 'educates left' on how to make peace
17:06:17 ◀︎ Health Min warns passengers of El Al flight regarding measles exposure
17:09:34 ◀︎ Lithuania’s genocide studies center accused of Holocaust denial
17:09:34 ◀︎ Germany military to get first Chaplin rabbi
17:16:33 ◀︎ Demolition order against terrorist's house issued
17:26:14 ◀︎ Body of soldier who went MIA in 1st Lebanon war returned to Israel
17:33:50 ◀︎ After 37 years - Body of IDF MIA returns to Israel
17:35:57 ◀︎ Gantz: We welcome return of Zachariah's body
17:52:43 ◀︎ Avi Gabbay: We are excited about the return of Zacharia's body
17:54:51 ◀︎ MK Ben Dahan: Zecharia returned home - to a grave in Israel
17:59:23 ◀︎ Yogev: We will leave no stone unturned until we return the missing
18:01:41 ◀︎ Rabbi Peretz: Restoring the body of Zecharia - Closing the circle
18:03:55 ◀︎ Knesset Speaker: We waited 37 years and did not forget Zechariah
18:05:08 ◀︎ MK Dichter:The State of Israel is committed to bringing the sons home
18:06:21 ◀︎ Chief of Staff: We are committed to caring for every soldier
18:07:34 ◀︎ Ethicist: Return of missing bodies a national responsibility
18:08:38 ◀︎ MK Smotrich: A moment of Israeli pride
18:30:14 ◀︎ Minister Kahlon: We will spare no effort to bring our sons home
18:31:19 ◀︎ President Rivlin: We embrace the Baumel family
18:34:48 ◀︎ MK Refaeli: Hope of returning the bodies of Katz &Feldman renewed
18:39:02 ◀︎ Poll: Right-wing bloc remains stable
18:41:18 ◀︎ A modern Passover
18:47:01 ◀︎ Netanyahu: We found the overalls and tzitzit of Zecharia Baumel
18:49:15 ◀︎ PM: One of the most moving moments of all my time as Prime Minister
19:00:15 ◀︎ NATO: Russia must return to the nuclear disarmament agreement
19:04:36 ◀︎ 'One of my most exciting moments as prime minister'
19:12:26 ◀︎ Rivlin: The end of 37 years of pain and doubt
19:12:26 ◀︎ Minister Gamliel: We will bring our sons back to a tomb in Israel
19:20:22 ◀︎ Israel releases former PA prisons affairs Ministers
19:27:50 ◀︎ Brazilian President: Nazis were leftists
19:35:38 ◀︎ MK Zandberg: Meretz is the only chance for Arab cabinet Minister
19:40:00 ◀︎ French Students film themselves urinating on Jewish Student material
19:43:29 ◀︎ Lebanese politician responds to return of soldiers remains to Israel
19:47:57 ◀︎ Beresheet to make critical manuever to orbit the moon
19:52:20 ◀︎ US Ambassador Friedman:We prayed for a long time for Zecharia's return
19:55:56 ◀︎ 'A meaningful and intense day after 37 years'
20:04:08 ◀︎ 'An emotional moment, we couldn't hold back tears'
20:24:38 ◀︎ PM met with family of Zecharia Baumel in Jerusalem
20:51:24 ◀︎ Qatari sociologist demonstrates 'proper' wife-beating technique
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 18:56 20:08
תל אביב 19:11 20:11
חיפה 19:04 20:12
באר שבע 19:12 20:10