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10:16:18 ◀︎ Yisrael Beyteinu Chairman Avigdor Liberman this morning called Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to resign.He tweeted: "Bibi Enoigh! You've failed to manage the current crisis. Thank you for everything you've done to date. It's time to exit stage."
10:23:10 ◀︎ Hate is the deformed byproduct of ignorance. We must educate ourselves the struggles our neighbors faced and they must learn ours.Op-ed.
10:29:59 ◀︎ 'We're very close to a lockdown over the holidays'
10:31:06 ◀︎ Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn today signed the new civil procedure regulations that will take effect January 1, 2021.These are regulations of litigation procedures in civil disputes in the courts.
10:44:39 ◀︎ The Health Ministry updated that in the last day 1,549 tested positive for coronavirus.182 patients are said to be in critical condition, 57 of whom are ventilators while 371 deaths have been attributed to COVID-19. The total number of cases is 42,665, of whom 20,588 are "active carriers".
10:46:54 ◀︎ The Magistrate's Court in Tiberias this week extended the remand of a 28-year-old resident of the village of Iksal, who was arrested last night suspicion of indecent assault a 12-year-old girl in a tent at the Sea of Galilee.
10:55:00 ◀︎ Suspended Facebook user Damon Rosen, who had been blocked for thirty days for reporting statements by Louis Farrakhan, has been fully reinstated after a query was submitted to senior Facebook executives including coverage by Arutz Sheva. This, after Rosen had an appeal to the suspension rejected by Facebook.Rosen told Arutz Sheva he received a 30-day "Community Standards" suspension for posting the message: "Louis Farrakhan said he asked G-d to hit Florida extra hard with coronavirus ... to punish all the Jews & Cubans who hated Fidel Castro."Facebook blocked Rosen from posting with a notice saying: "You can't post, comment or use Messenger for 30 days."This is because you previously posted something that didn't follow our Community Standards."This post goes against our standards hate speech, so no e else can see it."
11:03:00 ◀︎ PM's Office instructs to terminate contact with Wexner Foundation
11:06:24 ◀︎ Report: Kanye West withdraws from US presidential race
11:11:02 ◀︎ The anti-Israel, anti-Jewish rhetoric of Black Lives Matter
11:14:27 ◀︎ Nick Cannon fired for anti-Semitic comments, praise of Farrakhan
11:41:30 ◀︎ New plan to speed up construction of homes
11:47:00 ◀︎ A 30-year-old man was found unconscious near the train tracks Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Street in Ramla.MDA medics evacuated him in critical condition to Assaf Harofeh Hospital, where he was sedated and hooked to a respirator.
12:02:56 ◀︎ Suspended FB user reinstated after Arutz Sheva exposure
12:15:22 ◀︎ Coronavirus infection rate declines, death toll rises to 375
12:17:32 ◀︎ After going contacts between the Immigration and Absorption and Finance ministries, Finance Minister Yisrael Katz and Absorption Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata reached an agreement a budget of NIS80 million, which will be allocated to a unique and comprehensive employment program for new immigrants and an extension of the absorption basket for new immigrants.The plan was formulated by the Aliyah and Absorption MNinistry to deal with rising unemployment among new immigrants in relation to veteran Israelis.
12:33:26 ◀︎ Amir Haskel, e of the organizers of last night's "Black Flags" demonstration, reacted to the remarks of the Jerusalem District Police Commander."I'm very sorry this is an unfortunate statement by a public servant. The facts aren't right - there were people from all over the political spectrum," he said.District Commander Superintendent Doron Yedid caused a stir after he referred to the protest in front of the Prime Minister"s residence and said "the anarchists disrupted the demonstration".
12:44:36 ◀︎ Police refuse to authorize for leaders of the economic protest to hold a demonstration Saturday at Rabin Square.Police claim that the large number of people requires the protest to take place at a bigger venue and they were offered to demonstrate in Ganei Yehoshua.Kan News reported that the leaders of the economic protest refuse to accept the position of the police.
12:49:31 ◀︎ A news translator Wednesday noticed that the Google translate application returned an odd result: Anytime the word "police" appeared in a Hebrew selection, Google translate returns the headline: "Police in riot gear stormed a rally Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck."When that sentence is entered into a search, Google returns scores of stories and YouTube videos from all over the world with the identical headline.Unusual resultsMordechai Sones
12:53:11 ◀︎ Supersonic boom causes panic in northern Israel
13:00:36 ◀︎ 383,000 eligible receive grant up to NIS 7,500 directly to bank acct
13:11:33 ◀︎ Housing Minister congratulates assistance: 'Families have last crumbs'
13:13:49 ◀︎ The Knesset Spokesman announced that contrary to rumors, no e is known to have suffered a heart attack in the Knesset area."At the moment, the Knesset and no e in the Knesset has any knowledge of a heart attack incident in the Knesset. In any case, tests are being conducted to examine the rumors," he said.
13:22:50 ◀︎ Likud pressuring Netanyahu to move forward with sovereignty plan
13:23:59 ◀︎ The Employment Service reported that 3,289 people registered as job seekers in the past day, more than twice the number of Israelis who reported returning to work at the time - 1,517.Today, 853,843 jobseekers are registered, of whom 575,163 are unpaid leave. The unemployment rate is 21%.
13:26:14 ◀︎ Beitar Illit: Educational institutions and synagogues to be closed
13:33:08 ◀︎ The coming school year will open with the "capsules" format for up to 18 students per class kindergartens will be split in two using partitions and where this cannot be done they will be transferred to middle schools.Grades 5 and 6 students will study remotely middle and high school will learn remotely - but will arrive at least e day a week.
13:42:06 ◀︎ Knesset rejects proposals to repeal Nationality Law
13:43:18 ◀︎ El Al executives will reduce their salaries by 20%
13:45:34 ◀︎ Liberman: 'Likud members closed deal with Islamic List'
13:59:14 ◀︎ Israel's legal right to apply sovereignty in Judea and Samaria
14:00:22 ◀︎ 73 years ago this week the Exodus embarked its fateful voyage to the Mandate for Palestine carrying Jewish refugees.
14:08:08 ◀︎ Oxford U official says 'positive news' on the way re vaccine
14:10:23 ◀︎ Security guard in Knesset Guard tests COVID-19 positive
14:11:32 ◀︎ Leader of Rosh Hashannah Uman prayers dies from coronavirus
14:25:12 ◀︎ Report: 'Positive news' on new coronavirus vaccine
14:29:46 ◀︎ Opposition leader Yair Lapid attacked the government and is calling for an end to the coronavirus crisis."I think the time has come for the opposition to help this government a little bit, because it's losing public confidence so quickly and intensely that it's no longer healthy enough to deal with the plague. There's e step this government can take to restore public confidence and that is to reduce the government to 18 ministers."
14:46:51 ◀︎ Is your baby crying? This new device will tell you why
14:49:08 ◀︎ Black Flag protesters responded to Digital Affairs Minister Dudi Amsalem's remarks, "We watched the minister who from morning to evening spreads unfounded conspiracy theories about trumped up cases talking about anarchism."In the Prime Minister's house they probably don't understand that the problem is the severe distress of the citizens of the state and not the protest itself. The protest is an expression of the public anger of citizens against Netanyahu, Amsalem, and the like for their dysfunction in the economic-health crisis. Everyone is called to come Saturday night to protest at Charles Clore Street."
14:52:29 ◀︎ Anti-lockdown protests the rise. Massive fire erupts from collision between car and gas-tanker.
14:53:36 ◀︎ Britain to investigate country's dealings with coronavirus
15:04:56 ◀︎ ‘Bless his memory, don’t taint it’
15:09:35 ◀︎ Anti-Semitism and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio
15:14:09 ◀︎ Moderna vaccine shows promising results in tests
15:16:26 ◀︎ PM Netanyahu accused left-wing protesters at a Jerusalem rally of slandering Channel 13 journalist Avishai ben Haim. "The claims made against Dr. Avishai ben Haim along with attacks police forces at yesterday's rally know no boundaries. These actions must be condemned in the strongest possible manner," tweeted Netanyahu.
15:17:35 ◀︎ US president Donald Trump tweeted today (Wednesday) a short four word tweet."Great News Vaccines!", Trump wrote.
15:19:53 ◀︎ ​Following the opening of Disney World in Florida, Disneyland Paris opened today after a four-month closure.Visitors must enter the park with masks and 2-thousand hand-washing stations were installed.The park closed March 12.​
15:34:53 ◀︎ After the statue of 17th century British MP, philanthropist, and member of the Royal African Trade Company, which was involved in purchasing and trading slaves, Edward Colston, was removed by protesters, it was replaced with a statue of a BLM activist.News sources reported that the statue was brought down after a campaign calling for its replaced gathered over 11,000 votes.Today, (Wednesday) a statue of e of the women who participated in recent protests in the UK city of Bristol was erected where Colston's statue had stood for over a century.
15:42:59 ◀︎ Fox News host Laura Ingraham related to the German study which was published yesterday (Tuesday). According to the study, Schools have low coronavirus infection rate."Keeping children home even reduced schedule during the school year is anti-science", Ingraham wrote Twitter, "and in many at-risk children a form of state-sanctioned child abuse".
15:42:59 ◀︎ As e of the largest wildlife reserves in India was almost completely flooded following a torrential rainfall today, local animals found themselves in the middle of neighboring cities. "Here a huge elephant family crossing a road during floods for safely moving towards higher elevation at Kaziranga. Do remember to give them space & time to cross roads. Drive slowly inside wildlife areas during monsoon. Help in spreading the message," e twitter posted alongside a video of the episode.
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27