צפיות בכותרות
ח' בשבט התשפ"ג
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
12:41:45 ◀︎ US Embassy in Turkey issues terror warning
12:51:49 ◀︎ Israel passes major hurdle towards US visa waiver program
13:48:06 ◀︎ Transgender school scandal: Judge rejects petition of parents of other children in class
13:52:34 ◀︎ Senior Iranian official vows revenge against Israel for Isfahan blast
13:59:16 ◀︎ Gov't publishes draft legislation enabling Shas head Deri to be reinstated
14:10:28 ◀︎ PM Netanyahu to meet with Sec. of State Blinken at four o'clock today
14:40:50 ◀︎ Shas proposes bill to bring Deri back into government
14:53:09 ◀︎ LGBT issues: Survey reveals divide within Religious-Zionist community
14:56:31 ◀︎ Noam party head demands coalition agreements be honored
15:04:31 ◀︎ Ben-Gvir extends ban on family visits to imprisoned Hamas terrorists
15:12:25 ◀︎ Israel and Jews are vulnerable to today's amalgam of hate.
15:33:49 ◀︎ Ben-Gvir: The attack happened on my watch, I'm responsible
15:40:16 ◀︎ Keir Starmer: ‘We had to rip antisemitism out by its roots’
15:41:27 ◀︎ Ben-Gvir: 'Anyone who massacres civilians should get the electric chair'
15:51:43 ◀︎ Herzog to medic first to arrive at shooting: 'You touched us all'
16:41:01 ◀︎ Mansour Abbas: 'Election results would have been different if Bennett ran'
16:42:12 ◀︎ We shall overcome
17:05:44 ◀︎ Arab medic on racist chants: I'm there to treat the patients
17:06:54 ◀︎ UK census: Median age of Jews in England and Wales is 41
17:13:55 ◀︎ Otzma Yehudit MK grabs PLO flag from student at Tel Aviv U
17:21:06 ◀︎ Former Navy commander: Israel needs to strike Iran this year
17:30:20 ◀︎ Win a Beautiful Apartment in Tiberias Overlooking the Kineret
17:33:50 ◀︎ Tibi: I hope Blinken's arrival brings about end to bloodshed
17:37:25 ◀︎ Blinken: We condemn the attack - and those celebrating it
18:02:55 ◀︎ ‘Ye is right’ antisemitic graffiti found across U of Alabama
18:04:05 ◀︎ Live: Blinken, Netanyahu deliver joint statements in Jerusalem
18:08:46 ◀︎ Netanyahu: We're working with the US to prevent nuclear Iran
18:11:07 ◀︎ Blinken: America's commitment to Israel's security 'ironclad'
18:15:45 ◀︎ Blinken hints: Israel should provide military aid to Ukraine
18:21:33 ◀︎ Blinken: Our 'enduring' goal is a two states for two people
18:22:43 ◀︎ State Department praises ‘strong and historic ties’ with Israel
18:27:22 ◀︎ Blinken: Moving away from 2-state solution 'detrimental' to Israel
18:30:51 ◀︎ Blinken: 'Grateful' to Netanyahu for upholding status quo on Temple Mt
18:46:01 ◀︎ 'Flying Camel Squadron' pilots bring camel onto base
19:05:51 ◀︎ Sweden: Raoul Wallenberg sculpture in Holocaust memorial vandalized
20:08:28 ◀︎ FM Eli Cohen: Blinken's visit 'historic and important during very sad week'
20:20:10 ◀︎ Brooklyn: Neturei Karta shows support for Islamic Jihad terrorists
20:36:26 ◀︎ Activists urge US bar association to reject antisemitism measure
20:41:14 ◀︎ Condition of wounded in terror attack continues to improve
20:55:14 ◀︎ President Herzog meets US Secretary of State
20:55:14 ◀︎ PA Arabs throw rocks at Israeli bus, no injuries
20:59:52 ◀︎ Elkin urging coalition to immediately strip terrorists of citizenship
21:01:02 ◀︎ Netanyahu to visit France for talks with Macron
21:09:10 ◀︎ Watch: Iran threatens Israel after drone attack
21:18:22 ◀︎ Watch: Trump slams Biden - 'We're at the brink of WWIII'
21:19:31 ◀︎ Israel Bar Association head accused of sexually harassment
21:29:58 ◀︎ France unveils plan to combat antisemitism
21:35:47 ◀︎ Watch: Anti-Trump Jewish congressman backs Ilhan Omar
21:54:25 ◀︎ Ben-Gvir welcomes anti-terror bill: 'We'll continue hard-handed fight'
21:56:44 ◀︎ FM Eli Cohen: Israeli embassy to return to Kyiv in coming weeks