צפיות בכותרות
כ"ו באלול התשע"ה
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00:16:31 ◀︎ ISIS claims to be holding Norwegian and Chinese citizens taken hostage in Syria
00:21:25 ◀︎ Lebanese government agrees on plan to end trash crisis
00:48:19 ◀︎ Shamed 'peeping rabbi' Barry Freundel issues public apology
01:27:25 ◀︎ Israel woefully unprepared for natural disasters, comptroller says
02:28:06 ◀︎ The worthless movie about Gaza that every Israeli must watch
02:32:35 ◀︎ As Turkey's army fights the PKK, Kurdish cities become battlefields
03:23:03 ◀︎ For pistachio-loving Americans, Iran deal is a cause for celebration
04:15:26 ◀︎ Former CIA director Petraeus investing 
in Israeli ship-traffic monitoring startup
04:47:06 ◀︎ Israel's summer tourism recovering from Gaza war numbers, up 42%
05:07:52 ◀︎ Poll: Most Israeli Jews predict Netanyahu campaign in Congress will fail
06:06:27 ◀︎ Israeli authorities know who burned Palestinian family alive, defense minister says
10:47:17 ◀︎ British Jews come to the aid of refugees in Calais
11:47:21 ◀︎ Israel ready with plan for UN conference on climate change
12:52:34 ◀︎ Why Putin embraces Jews, but not homosexuals
13:53:39 ◀︎ Immigrants to Israel find their place in the Startup Nation
14:08:22 ◀︎ A new unofficial boycott against Israeli academics may be underway
14:13:59 ◀︎ Nuclear whistle-blower Vanunu arrested over Channel 2 interview
14:16:14 ◀︎ Unknown ancient hominin found in South Africa, that buried its dead
14:20:38 ◀︎ Israel's anti-refugee attitude smells of anti-non-Semitism
15:05:45 ◀︎ Russia says its planes are carrying military supplies, humanitarian aid to Syria
17:25:50 ◀︎ Israeli defense source: Hundreds of Iranian troops in Syria helping Assad
17:31:28 ◀︎ Turkey's ruling party has exhausted its own existence
17:42:48 ◀︎ European Parliament expresses support for labeling settlement goods
18:06:18 ◀︎ Ya'alon: No arrests in Duma arson due to 'difficulty' in putting attackers on trial
18:35:36 ◀︎ Is Playing Soccer on Shabbat a Crime? Israel Redefines the Term 'Political Football'
19:37:25 ◀︎ Two British teens arrested for beating Jewish 17-year-old
19:37:25 ◀︎ Vatican won't raise flag at UN prior to pope's visit, regardless of Palestinian bid
20:06:22 ◀︎ French Jewish leader doubts émigrés to Israel will heed government calls to come back
20:21:57 ◀︎ U.S. imposes sanctions on four Hamas fundraisers
21:04:43 ◀︎ Looking for my grandfather among the refugees in Europe
22:19:49 ◀︎ Cameron, Hollande and Merkel pen op-ed expressing confidence in Iran deal
23:12:22 ◀︎ How 9/11 shaped American politicians and their vote on the Iran nuclear deal
23:23:35 ◀︎ Senate Democrats block GOP-led bid to thwart Iran deal
23:43:38 ◀︎ What do Jewish morals have to say about your Rosh Hashanah dinner?