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00:18:45 ◀︎ Israel to close down airspace over Bar Refaeli's wedding
00:29:42 ◀︎ IAEA chief to visit Tehran to push for interviews with Iranian scientists
01:19:45 ◀︎ Hungary seizes train carrying refugees, disarms 40 Croatian police on board
01:52:18 ◀︎ Holy See flag to be raised outside UN due to Palestinian proposal
03:02:53 ◀︎ Rocks replaced Iran on Netanyahu's agenda – for now
04:02:17 ◀︎ Man killed, another wounded by gun fire in southern Israel
05:37:31 ◀︎ Why Jews believe Pope Francis feels bond in his 'kishkes'
05:38:38 ◀︎ Syrian army carries out at least 25 airstrikes on ISIS-held Palmyra
08:48:10 ◀︎ Celebrating 100 episodes by saying Toda / StreetWise Hebrew Podcast
08:50:24 ◀︎ Israeli produce prices to skyrocket after August heatwave
09:36:07 ◀︎ U.K's Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn claims he has some Jewish ancestry
09:55:52 ◀︎ Egypt's Sissi swears in new government
10:24:53 ◀︎ 56 Syrian soldiers killed in mass execution, monitor says
10:34:55 ◀︎ Netanyahu isn’t seeking another term. He's thinking decades
11:20:29 ◀︎ Hungary calls up military reservists to help deal with refugee crisis
12:23:57 ◀︎ 5-year-old refugee drowns in Aegean Sea, 13 remain missing
12:53:11 ◀︎ 'Alexandria of the 1940s looked like Tel Aviv of the 1990s'
15:40:32 ◀︎ Mishael Cheshin, former Israeli Supreme Court justice, dies at 79
16:41:07 ◀︎ 1 percent of Americans think Barack Obama is Jewish
16:41:07 ◀︎ U.S. disturbed by presence of Russian fighter jets in Syria, Kerry says
16:41:07 ◀︎ Anti-Nazi fighters the history books forgot about
18:23:59 ◀︎ Iran's Rohani: Americans shouldn't take 'Death to America' chant personally
19:17:50 ◀︎ Settlers opt for cartoons to get their message across to the public
20:23:22 ◀︎ Sara Netanyahu’s alleged drinking at center stage in court case
20:27:46 ◀︎ Israel Police to present new open-fire regulations against stone-throwers
20:52:11 ◀︎ Egypt's Sissi says Al-Aqsa unrest threatens regional stability
21:03:43 ◀︎ Israel a playground for Russian oligarchs, says The Economist
22:10:07 ◀︎ Congolese citizen convicted of murdering young woman in Netanya
22:36:09 ◀︎ There are those who benefit from Jerusalem escalation
22:37:16 ◀︎ Reykjavik drops boycott of Israeli products, adopts boycott of settlement goods
22:48:43 ◀︎ False rocket alarm sounds in Israel's south