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כ"ה בתשרי התשע"ו
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01:38:14 ◀︎ Brother of West Bank terror attack victim slams Obama in letter to U.S. envoy
02:41:50 ◀︎ Three arrested for stone throwing in Jaffa on second day of protests
03:32:41 ◀︎ Obsessing over naming the third intifada
03:55:58 ◀︎ Keeping the peace in Jerusalem's complex Old City
04:06:02 ◀︎ Iran pushed for Russia's military campaign in Syria, Iraqi officials say
04:13:53 ◀︎ Netanyahu says West Bank settlement construction could harm post-Iran deal talks with U.S.
05:13:27 ◀︎ Can Germany laugh about Hitler?
05:35:55 ◀︎ Obama phones head of MSF to apologize for airstrike on hospital
06:35:55 ◀︎ Not your typical singing contest: The search for Israel's next top cantor
10:35:08 ◀︎ Violence spreads to central Israel, as tensions escalate
10:38:34 ◀︎ Jaffa tensions still in the air, but hummus is still a higher priority
10:59:50 ◀︎ Netanyahu clarifies: Temple Mount ban applies to both Jewish and Arab MKs
11:32:11 ◀︎ Geologist reports major oil find in Golan Heights; firm stays mum
11:35:34 ◀︎ Israelis visitors shun Jerusalem but tourists still coming
12:03:01 ◀︎ Putin’s Syrian show: a distraction from troubles closer to home
12:41:50 ◀︎ Jewish man stabbed in Jerusalem terror attack
14:03:51 ◀︎ Lone Palestinian terrorists, settler vengeance worrying Israeli security authorities
14:23:46 ◀︎ Bernie Sanders opens up about Jewish childhood
14:23:46 ◀︎ Jerusalem mayor calls on civilians to carry weapons in wake of terror attacks
15:11:13 ◀︎ Five stabbed in Tel Aviv in fifth terror attack since Wednesday
15:46:58 ◀︎ What happens when the world cries 'war crime?'
17:22:00 ◀︎ LIVE UPDATES: Man seriously wounded in Kiryat Arba, 5 lightly hurt in Tel Aviv as terror wave continues
18:41:20 ◀︎ Insurgents shoot down helicopter in Syria's Hama province, monitor group says
18:41:20 ◀︎ Netanyahu withdraws plan for 538 new homes in West Bank settlement
18:51:32 ◀︎ U.S. Jewish group goes after JNF over West Bank donations
20:11:30 ◀︎ YouTube removes inciting videos portraying murder of Jews, at Israel's request
21:45:48 ◀︎ Hajj stampede killed at least 1,364, AP count shows
23:23:27 ◀︎ Russia denies Syria-bound cruise missiles fell in Iran
23:40:37 ◀︎ Israeli Arab protesters clash with police in Nazareth