צפיות בכותרות
כ"ח בכסלו התשע"ו (נר רביעי של חנוכה)
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
01:54:23 ◀︎ Israel's chief rabbi slams Bennett for visiting Conservative Jewish school in U.S.
04:09:13 ◀︎ Rivlin says Obama is concerned over Abbas' future
09:21:12 ◀︎ The crayfish that's invading Yarkon River may have been someone's pet
09:27:40 ◀︎ Rivlin-Obama meeting: The strange sensation of diplomatic normality
10:53:00 ◀︎ Habayit Hayehudi MK: Poverty report stats must be inflated because none of my kids are poor
13:59:36 ◀︎ 'Arrow 3' ballistic missile interceptor test a success
13:59:37 ◀︎ Israeli Bedouin convicted of spying released after 15 years in Egyptian prison
14:12:59 ◀︎ Trump in high heels? Meet Miri Regev, the big mouth of the Israeli right
14:33:20 ◀︎ Donald Trump postpones planned Israel visit
14:42:01 ◀︎ Habayit Hayehudi MK: The Duma murders are not terrorism
15:54:39 ◀︎ Three wounded in car-ramming attack at Beit Arye, West Bank
16:06:26 ◀︎ Israel's military chief: ISIS can't be defeated with airstrikes alone
16:27:17 ◀︎ U.S. Jews and presidential elections: Q&A with Haaretz's Peter Beinart
18:07:25 ◀︎ Why did Google Israel remove references to former double agent?
18:55:56 ◀︎ Vatican: Catholics shouldn't convert Jews but must work with them to fight anti-Semitism
20:04:29 ◀︎ Adelson’s Maccabees 'a camp for all in the mainstream pro-Israel community' – but not J Street U
20:25:45 ◀︎ Could ISIS use chemical and biological terrorism in Europe?
20:25:45 ◀︎ Chief Rabbi Lau, who slammed Bennet, also visited U.S. non-Orthodox school
22:07:19 ◀︎ High Court blocks petition calling to indict authors of 'King's Torah'
22:32:02 ◀︎ MK Zoabi reaches plea deal, will not be charged with incitement
23:28:47 ◀︎ 'Thou shalt not kill' applies to you too, Jewish campaign tells Palestinians and Israeli Arabs
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27