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01:19:24 ◀︎ It’s Putin who will make or break the Syrian cease-fire
04:30:49 ◀︎ In limbo between Jerusalem and Texas
05:08:42 ◀︎ Kenya, Israel reportedly agreed on security cooperation during president's visit
06:32:08 ◀︎ Hospitalized asylum seeker with AIDS at risk of being returned to Israel's streets
08:36:32 ◀︎ Shin Bet arrests suspect in Ma'aleh Adumim stabbing attack
09:22:31 ◀︎ Iran's reformists on course to win all parliament seats in Tehran, initial results show
09:45:19 ◀︎ Bennett torpedoed chief scientist's anti-racism project before ousting him
10:45:59 ◀︎ Clinton’s South Carolina firewall crushes Sanders, setting her up as the anti-Trump
11:09:57 ◀︎ Israeli-Arab town haunted by history of violence looks for way out
13:54:52 ◀︎ Roseanne Barr: 'I might be moving' to Israel
15:23:06 ◀︎ Netanyahu welcomes Syria cease-fire but says peace deal must address Israeli interests
16:23:56 ◀︎ Syria opposition says will abide by cease-fire despite violations by government
17:16:26 ◀︎ ISIS launches largest attacks in months on Baghdad
17:50:57 ◀︎ Report: Haifa rabbinate refuses to wed couples associated with Tzohar
17:53:14 ◀︎ British-Palestinian filmmaker up for first Oscar with nuanced West Bank comedy
19:25:41 ◀︎ Border Police officer hurt in Jerusalem clashes; four Palestinians wounded in West Bank
19:34:56 ◀︎ Shoe thrown at Egyptian lawmaker for having dinner with Israeli ambassador
19:45:06 ◀︎ Israeli police officer wounded in hit-and-run in Nazareth
21:34:03 ◀︎ IDF officer charged with sex crimes, issuing permits to ineligible Palestinians
22:05:38 ◀︎ As an Israeli who loves America, I am worried by Trump
23:16:55 ◀︎ UN plans life-saving aid for 154,000 besieged Syrians in next five days