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ט' באייר התשע"ו
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00:21:59 ◀︎ Palestinian official: Kerry to attend foreign ministers' meeting ahead of French peace summit
01:51:29 ◀︎ British anti-Semitism? What else is new
02:59:30 ◀︎ For Israelis and Kurds, Mideast chaos poses opportunity to rattle Sykes-Picot
03:09:32 ◀︎ Court rules in favor of U.S.' oldest synagogue in $7.4 million legal battle
04:14:44 ◀︎ Israel to de-mine Christian holy site, mostly inaccessible since 1967
07:52:12 ◀︎ Herzog meets Netanyahu, demands justice or communications portfolio
10:18:20 ◀︎ Israel returns bodies of two Palestinian assailants to East Jerusalem families
11:54:28 ◀︎ Failing program to send more ultra-Orthodox Israelis to college to get extra funding
12:12:11 ◀︎ At Cannes film festival, Israeli minister touts country as 'cinematic powerhouse'
13:24:08 ◀︎ U.S. Jewish groups condemn Breitbart for calling Bill Kristol 'Renegade Jew'
14:54:52 ◀︎ The young Jewish cartoonist who’s fighting to make Britain safe for satire
15:08:24 ◀︎ France postpones preliminary meeting ahead of Paris peace summit to accommodate Kerry
15:41:01 ◀︎ Three bombings kill at least 54 in Baghdad
15:55:42 ◀︎ In Israel's new teaching material on Jerusalem, Arabs are completely absent
17:49:09 ◀︎ Ya'alon: Israeli army tries not to hurt noncombatants, but our own welfare comes first
17:53:50 ◀︎ Amid unity talks, Netanyahu and Herzog praise Sissi's call for Israeli-Palestinian peace
18:45:52 ◀︎ The 'Renegade Jews' running Israel's military
18:59:21 ◀︎ Transcending beauty: Israeli beauty pageant for transgender women signals desire for normalcy
19:09:29 ◀︎ Suspected mastermind of Jewish terrorism to be released from Israeli jail
19:26:16 ◀︎ Israeli lawmaker asks High Court to bar state from exporting wiretapping equipment to South Sudan
20:40:55 ◀︎ U.S. Senate passes bill allowing 9/11 survivors and families to sue Saudi Arabia
21:46:58 ◀︎ Louis C.K.'s Israel show prompts Facebook outrage and threats by ticket vendor
22:23:01 ◀︎ State investigators admit Palestinian teen killed by sponge-tipped bullet, but won't charge Israeli officer
23:00:31 ◀︎ Pro-Trump media’s anti-Semitism: Not so Renegade
23:54:59 ◀︎ Sheldon Adelson calls on Republican Jewish leaders to back Trump