צפיות בכותרות
ט"ו באייר התשע"ו
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
00:12:36 ◀︎ Israeli land grabs benefit Palestinians, state tells High Court
01:57:10 ◀︎ U.K. Jewish groups call on Labour to suspend member for comparing Israel to Nazis
02:40:40 ◀︎ Even Rambo is afraid of where Netanyahu is heading
03:08:39 ◀︎ Iraqi military launches major operation to retake Falluja from ISIS
04:50:01 ◀︎ Hamas planning public executions of criminals in Gaza Strip
09:25:42 ◀︎ Survey: Israeli Jews want broader welfare state, Israeli Arabs prefer 'American model'
09:29:05 ◀︎ Rights group: Police collecting intel by 'visiting' E. J'lem homes at 3 A.M.
12:17:40 ◀︎ Bennett tells PM: Share more intel with ministers or we'll block Lieberman deal
12:31:05 ◀︎ When Muslim knights were held in high esteem, by the Crusaders
13:08:05 ◀︎ Court rules Likud lawmaker, in former role as restauranteur, denied rights of Palestinian workers
14:23:23 ◀︎ Netanyahu urges France to ditch regional parley, set up two-way summit with Abbas
14:29:00 ◀︎ Over 120 killed in attacks on Assad strongholds in Syrian coastal cities
15:03:06 ◀︎ Arab worker freed to house arrest hours after barbaric beating by Tel Aviv police
15:32:47 ◀︎ Arab worker freed to house arrest hours after barbaric police beating in Tel Aviv
16:03:03 ◀︎ Israel to resume cement deliveries to Gaza after UN assurances
17:41:44 ◀︎ Sheldon Adelson is wrong: Trump is no champion of Israel
17:49:42 ◀︎ Far-right candidate admits defeat in Austrian presidential election
19:42:32 ◀︎ Ex-minister Sa'ar calls on Clinton, Trump to support East Jerusalem construction
20:52:55 ◀︎ Turkey shifts to 'one-man-state' even before constitutional change
20:55:21 ◀︎ Defense Minister Ya’alon’s ouster is a turning point in Israeli political history
22:23:58 ◀︎ Lieberman capitulates to ultra-Orthodox parties as part of coalition negotiations
23:07:22 ◀︎ Trump: Visit to Israel may not be a good idea 'at this moment'
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27