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01:01:10 ◀︎ New footage in Hebron shooting shows knife kicked closer to slain Palestinian assailant
01:11:21 ◀︎ Bill would let Israeli lawmakers oust colleagues, not just suspend
02:15:30 ◀︎ Obama again delays U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem
02:22:20 ◀︎ Kahlon: Rumors of Israel's regional diplomatic breakthrough are more than just hints to media
08:35:09 ◀︎ Trump and Netanyahu, Purveyors of Hate
09:30:15 ◀︎ Corbyn blasts criticism of U.K. Labour's anti-Semitism in Vice News documentary
10:19:40 ◀︎ Israeli justice minister mulls decriminalization of marijuana
11:17:41 ◀︎ A Palestinian-hating thug: The Arab media on Israel’s extremist new defense minister
13:06:33 ◀︎ Palestinian woman shot dead after attempting to stab Israeli soldiers near West Bank settlement
13:45:34 ◀︎ German Parliament labels Armenians' killings by Ottoman Turks as genocide
13:53:24 ◀︎ Blame the Jews for the slave trade: Labour's latest anti-Semitic slander
14:43:36 ◀︎ 3 in 4 Israelis back same-sex civil marriages, survey finds
14:53:34 ◀︎ Judaism and homosexuality: A brief history
15:08:15 ◀︎ Israeli AG yet to investigate French tycoon’s alleged 1 million euro donation to Netanyahu
17:22:44 ◀︎ Israeli High Court petitioned to reroute Jerusalem Day march to bypass Muslim Quarter
17:41:00 ◀︎ Turkey recalls its ambassador to Germany after Armenian genocide vote
18:34:26 ◀︎ Study finds economic boycott of Israel generally a flop
18:55:42 ◀︎ After 14 months, Palestinian legislator Khalida Jarrar to be released from Israeli jail
19:33:32 ◀︎ Sharansky 'optimistic' on resolving Western Wall crisis
19:58:09 ◀︎ The Israeli body politic is being poisoned by intimidation and incitement
21:09:48 ◀︎ Netanyahu is exploiting BDS to stay in power, SodaStream CEO says
21:59:33 ◀︎ Renewed pressure to add Zionist Union to Netanyahu's coalition focuses on Livni
22:47:59 ◀︎ Saeb Erekat: Paris peace summit will equalize power between Israel and Palestine
23:28:07 ◀︎ In national security address, Hillary Clinton lambastes Trump's 'neutrality' on Israel