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ב' בסיוון התשע"ו
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00:53:02 ◀︎ GOP unites in rebuking Trump's comments on judge
02:09:00 ◀︎ Clinton seeks to cap nomination with wins in penultimate primaries
02:39:17 ◀︎ How Jews are re-claiming a hateful neo-Nazi symbol on Twitter
03:39:36 ◀︎ Clinton and Trump clinch New Jersey primary, voting underway in California
04:04:06 ◀︎ How the Reform Movement harmed religious freedom and pluralism in Israel
05:00:13 ◀︎ Netanyahu won't escape the Mimran affair so easily
06:39:31 ◀︎ Turkey lifts lawmakers' immunity, in likely prelude to ejection of Kurds from parliament
09:50:51 ◀︎ Rabbinate threatens action against restaurants with alternative kosher stamp
09:54:13 ◀︎ After decades of neglect, Israel promotes planning and construction in Arab sector
09:56:26 ◀︎ Public absent at unveiling of plan to revamp Tel Aviv's iconic Dizengoff Square
12:16:39 ◀︎ Thousands of personal items belonging to Jews killed in Auschwitz discovered
14:15:07 ◀︎ Shas boycotts Knesset meetings over Ch. 10 chairman's allegedly racist remarks
15:44:04 ◀︎ Netanyahu: Israel doing all that's necessary to prevent attacks from Syria
16:17:26 ◀︎ Are online Jews playing into the hands of anti-Semitic trolls?
17:46:49 ◀︎ Video of Israeli soldier shooting subdued assailant in Hebron wasn’t tampered with, expert says
19:03:39 ◀︎ Israel's right to sweep away Palestinians
19:22:16 ◀︎ Monumental Ancient Naval Bases Discovered in Athens' Piraeus Harbor
19:53:29 ◀︎ While Hillary makes history, Israeli women are stuck in the dark ages
20:00:13 ◀︎ As Sanders sulks and Clinton celebrates, America readies for its dirtiest election yet
20:29:14 ◀︎ Israel stopped defense exports to Rwanda six days after 1994 genocide began
21:32:23 ◀︎ It's kosher, but it stinks: How the Jewish State has failed Judaism – again