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ב' בשבט התשע"ז
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02:15:03 ◀︎ Israeli officials responsible for delaying U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem, says GOP leader in Israel
03:30:40 ◀︎ First Republican senators speak out against Trump's ban on travelers from Muslim countries
03:46:19 ◀︎ Israeli Jews from Muslim countries could be at risk under Trump's new ban
04:38:38 ◀︎ White House doubles down on Holocaust Day statement that omitted Jews: 'We're inclusive'
07:05:04 ◀︎ U.S. judge orders Trump's ban lifted for travelers stuck in transit
08:59:08 ◀︎ Netanyahu’s anti-Jewish support for Trump’s anti-Muslim decree
10:05:57 ◀︎ Mexico to Israel: Dismayed, disappointed with Netanyahu's support of Trump's wall
11:37:57 ◀︎ Netanyahu: Israel's position was and is that the U.S. embassy should be in Jerusalem
12:29:12 ◀︎ Future of fight against ISIS unclear due to Trump's undefined policies
13:36:06 ◀︎ Israel backtracks, delays vote after initially agreeing to EU program that excludes settlements
14:22:10 ◀︎ Fleeing Eritrean army not grounds for refugee status in Israel, judge rules
14:43:29 ◀︎ Trump's refugee ban dishonors the memory of the Jewish Holocaust victims he failed to acknowledge
15:38:51 ◀︎ Why I, as a proud Israeli, want the world to boycott us
17:06:53 ◀︎ Trump stonewalling only Jewish refugee resettlement agency recognized by U.S.
17:06:53 ◀︎ Ultra-Orthodox to demand annulment of decision for Western Wall mixed-prayer area
17:56:03 ◀︎ U.S. marks first combat death under Trump, in Yemen raid on Al-Qaida
17:56:03 ◀︎ Shame on you, Jared Kushner
19:16:42 ◀︎ The unlikely defenders 
of Palestinian labor in Israel's Knesset
20:09:17 ◀︎ #StopPresidentBannon surges after Trump puts Bannon on National Security Council
20:33:07 ◀︎ Adding insult to injury, Trump flirts with classic Holocaust denial
22:24:31 ◀︎ Israel revives 'regularization' bill to authorize seizing Palestinian land for settlements
22:24:31 ◀︎ Dawn of the Dictatorship: Trump wastes no time imperiling American democracy
22:42:26 ◀︎ U.S. attorneys generals protest Trump's ban: Liberty is bedrock of our country
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 18:56 20:08
תל אביב 19:11 20:11
חיפה 19:04 20:12
באר שבע 19:12 20:10