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01:57:10 ◀︎ Trump just upended the entire history of Middle East diplomacy - and delivered Netanyahu's ultimate coup
01:57:10 ◀︎ Haaretz Cartoon
02:56:52 ◀︎ Primitive dog-sized marsupial lion discovered in Queensland
02:56:52 ◀︎ American Christian organizations split in response to Trump's Jerusalem move
02:56:52 ◀︎ Report: Al Franken, U.S. Senator, to resign amid sexual harassment accusations
03:18:06 ◀︎ Palestinians voice despair over Trump’s Jerusalem decision: 'Nothing left to lose'
03:18:06 ◀︎ With Jerusalem recognition, Trump gives Netanyahu a great tool to distract the masses
03:18:06 ◀︎ An American withdrawal from peace
04:48:57 ◀︎ Trump's Jewish supporters to celebrate Jerusalem decision at president's first Hanukkah party
05:04:12 ◀︎ Saudi Arabia 'deeply disappointed' by Trump's Jerusalem speech
05:07:43 ◀︎ Israelis, why are you celebrating Trump's Jerusalem decision?
05:19:35 ◀︎ We’re fed up with your protests
05:33:40 ◀︎ Israel slumps in international literacy-skills study, falling 11 places
06:10:54 ◀︎ Why men who are sexually harassed shouldn’t stay silent
06:10:54 ◀︎ Israel Air Force declares first F-35 squadron operational
06:26:11 ◀︎ American Jewish groups look askance at U.S. tax overhaul
06:32:05 ◀︎ Israeli poverty falls but remains the highest in the OECD
06:39:08 ◀︎ Budapest’s Hanukkah ice-skating tradition
06:39:08 ◀︎ Late Israeli icon Ronit Elkabetz's wardrobe takes center stage in new exhibit
06:47:19 ◀︎ Tech Nation: Viola launches $100 million financial tech fund led by former Bank Leumi executive
06:54:21 ◀︎ The Ticker: Trump move on Jerusalem stings shekel on concerns about regional violence
08:02:28 ◀︎ U.S. asks Israel to restrain its response to recognition of Jerusalem as capital
08:02:28 ◀︎ The Saudi king has a problem: The crown prince
09:25:46 ◀︎ Turkey's Erdogan: Trump's recognition of Jerusalem throws region into 'ring of fire'
09:30:35 ◀︎ European Parliament members to tell Netanyahu during his visit: You break it, you buy it
10:13:03 ◀︎ Netanyahu after Trump recognition: Other nations now looking into moving embassies to Jerusalem
10:49:06 ◀︎ Hamas chief calls to 'ignite new intifada' after U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital
12:32:47 ◀︎ Israeli soldiers clash with Palestinians protesting Trump's Jerusalem decision
12:42:06 ◀︎ Chinese president calls for East Jerusalem as capital of Palestinian state
12:46:50 ◀︎ China rallies support for four-point Israeli-Palestinian peace plan
12:53:51 ◀︎ With Jerusalem recognition, Trump proves U.S. was never an honest broker
12:54:55 ◀︎ Trump hasn’t killed the peace process, he just pronounced it dead
13:17:30 ◀︎ Trump calls for Saudi Arabia to immediately end Yemen blockade amid mounting crisis
13:17:30 ◀︎ Demanding Trump backtrack on Jerusalem, Iraq summons U.S. ambassador
13:44:22 ◀︎ We've won Jerusalem but could lose Startup Nation
13:49:08 ◀︎ On Jerusalem, Trump just offered talk. Does Kushner's peace plan offer real substance?
13:50:27 ◀︎ Israel arrests 20 Palestinians suspected of attacking Israeli hikers in West Bank
15:12:10 ◀︎ Jerusalem recognition could spark widespread Arab unrest – this time, with no end in sight
15:20:19 ◀︎ In Israel, early stage venture slump is a good sign
15:26:15 ◀︎ Russia claims 'Mission Accomplished' against ISIS terrorists in Syria
16:01:42 ◀︎ After Trump move, Jerusalem battle now plays out on Wikipedia
16:32:25 ◀︎ Argentine judge seeks arrest of ex-president for covering up Iran’s role in Jewish center bombing
17:23:39 ◀︎ UN Security Council to meet Friday over Trump's Jerusalem announcement
17:31:59 ◀︎ French ambassador to Israel: Trump's Jerusalem announcement is harmful to regional peace
17:39:24 ◀︎ Anderson Cooper and Roy Moore spokeswoman clash in off the rails interview
17:54:55 ◀︎ Al Qaida condemns Trump's Jerusalem decision, calls for action
18:06:54 ◀︎ Trump recognized one, Israeli capital city. But there are really three Jerusalems
18:16:15 ◀︎ How Lebanon emerged from Saudi Arabia's Hariri crisis with Iranian influence even stronger
18:29:26 ◀︎ Rockets fired at Israel from Gaza fall inside Strip
18:29:26 ◀︎ Trump's Jerusalem Syndrome: Whose End of Days Messiah does he think he is?