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י"ב באדר התשע"ח
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00:37:10 ◀︎ Refuge for land thieves
01:00:03 ◀︎ Israeli Police: Man murders 3-year-old son, commits suicide
01:13:31 ◀︎ Rightist Israeli NGO to build zip line in Jerusalem
01:19:09 ◀︎ Israeli government to appeal ruling giving Eritrean army deserters refugee status
01:24:42 ◀︎ Israeli culture minister plans Times Square video for Independence Day
01:24:42 ◀︎ Four Israeli prime ministers, 20 years of corruption. Why?
01:37:54 ◀︎ For Bibi’s crowd, loyalty beats justice
01:56:22 ◀︎ The handsome Jew riding through the West Bank
09:11:15 ◀︎ Thirteen Israeli border points raising tensions with Lebanon
09:48:35 ◀︎ Putin's newest stealth fighters are nonoperational. So why deploy them to Syria?
10:46:48 ◀︎ Israeli army: Tamimi's teen cousin admits head wounds not caused by bullet, but by bike crash
12:07:04 ◀︎ Medics contradict autopsy report of Palestinian detained by Israeli army
12:18:41 ◀︎ U.S. anti-Semitic incidents in 2017 has doubled since 2015, reports ADL
12:24:10 ◀︎ Twitter account blacklisting pro-Palestinian activists, anti-Semites deactivated
12:47:50 ◀︎ Saudi shake-up: Military chief replaced as Yemen war rages on
12:47:50 ◀︎ Parkland shooting survivors draw crowd of thousands to synagogue gun control rally
13:01:14 ◀︎ 'Troubled and concerned': African-American lawmakers urge Israel not to deport asylum seekers
13:05:49 ◀︎ Knesset gives initial nod to bill that would muzzle Breaking the Silence
13:26:01 ◀︎ For first time, prosecution directly links Netanyahu to telecom giant bribery affair
14:08:01 ◀︎ Turkey's Erdogan slammed after telling crying girl she should be honored if 'martyred'
14:13:43 ◀︎ Children of asylum seekers, mostly from Eritrea and Sudan celebrate Purim in Tel Aviv
14:55:35 ◀︎ Polish priest tells public broadcaster: Truth for Jews is whatever is beneficial to them
15:02:27 ◀︎ U.S. to open nuclear-energy talks with Saudi Arabia - and Iran deal may pay the price
15:02:27 ◀︎ NRA spokeswoman deletes 'anti-Semitic' 2010 tweet after battle with Sarah Silverman
15:12:44 ◀︎ Nationalistic filth aside, many Poles won’t collude with Warsaw’s deluded suppression of the Holocaust
15:16:11 ◀︎ Why do Jews dress up for Purim?
15:28:29 ◀︎ What is Purim? The history behind the Halloween of Jewish holidays
15:28:29 ◀︎ Syrian warplanes strike war ravaged eastern Ghouta despite Russian truce
15:28:29 ◀︎ Goat hair from 5,000 years ago identified in Neolithic Finnish grave
16:14:05 ◀︎ Days after Church of Holy Sepulchre shuttered, Israel backtracks on steps that spurred crisis
16:25:29 ◀︎ Watchdog investigates if Assad used chemical weapons in attacks on Syria's Ghouta
17:19:18 ◀︎ Polish delegation heads to Israel in bid to resolve crisis on Holocaust law
17:52:10 ◀︎ Who is Brad Parscale? Donald Trump's reportedly just-named 2020 campaign manager
18:13:44 ◀︎ Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff: February 27, 2018
18:42:56 ◀︎ Dutch groups cancel speeches by Palestinian activist Israel convicted of terrorism
18:48:24 ◀︎ Saudi Crown Prince to visit U.K., discuss extremism with Theresa May
18:49:34 ◀︎ Why hasn't Israel won an Oscar yet? It might be the occupation
18:58:37 ◀︎ Jewish Agency joins growing list of public opposition to Israel's deportation of African asylum seekers
19:03:08 ◀︎ The answer to everyone's questions about Lena Dunham's uterus
19:08:45 ◀︎ Tillerson, Kelly reportedly frustrated with Jared Kushner running U.S. foreign policy
19:14:24 ◀︎ How the Israeli army got a teen who was shot in the head to say he fell off a bike
19:37:09 ◀︎ If anybody can bring gun control to America, it's Trump
20:19:53 ◀︎ Netanyahu's dark-horse candidate for Jewish agency chief - and why she wasn't approved
20:48:59 ◀︎ Assaulting law and order, Trump and Netanyahu’s minions flirt with sedition and treason
20:53:22 ◀︎ Greek energy firm secures $1.25b to develop two Israeli natural gas fields
20:56:53 ◀︎ If you had $300 million available, would you invest it all in Intel?
21:05:52 ◀︎ Church of Holy Sepulchre to reopen Wednesday following Israeli moves to solve crisis
21:19:32 ◀︎ Technation: China's Aluminum in joint battery venture with Israel's Phinergy
21:38:37 ◀︎ Wage gaps, few execs: A grim situation for female Israeli government employees
22:15:38 ◀︎ Key coalition lawmaker threatens to bring down government over ultra-Orthodox draft bill