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00:38:27 ◀︎ To call the protests at the Gaza border the ‘Hamas march’ understates their significance
01:14:24 ◀︎ Hamas sending messages it might tone down the Gaza protests
01:29:30 ◀︎ Eurovision chief on Shabbat and 2019 show: ‘It’s not our problem’
01:56:34 ◀︎ 'Centrist' lawmaker Shai eyes Jerusalem mayoral race
02:01:15 ◀︎ A predictable disaster in Gaza: Israel did not lift a finger to prevent lethal clashes
02:30:31 ◀︎ Deputy AG resigns after blast at rule of law’s enemies
02:51:48 ◀︎ A bridge between Startup Nation and the Arab world
03:28:18 ◀︎ Israel's High Court doesn’t defend minorities
03:44:37 ◀︎ Netta’s Eurovision win is also a challenge
03:55:16 ◀︎ Dana International on Eurovision winner Netta Barzilai: ‘She’s my sister’
04:09:39 ◀︎ Stop the bloodbath
04:56:04 ◀︎ For the Israeli army’s tech units, a few rich men
05:02:01 ◀︎ Syria’s lost generation: The school kids who can’t go to school
05:04:25 ◀︎ Haaretz cartoon
05:17:12 ◀︎ $40 million expansion-renovation planned for Jerusalem’s Tower of David museum
05:35:02 ◀︎ Juul, the hit e-cigarette, debuts in Israel with no restrictions on sales
06:42:02 ◀︎ U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence
08:03:40 ◀︎ Jerusalem embassy and Gaza protests: 59 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire at border
08:42:55 ◀︎ Dozens of Palestinian deaths in Gaza didn't disturb Netanyahu's 'great day for peace' in Jerusalem
08:59:05 ◀︎ U.S. Navy expects 'uncertainty' in Gulf after Iran nuclear deal withdrawal
09:18:55 ◀︎ 'Thus says the Lord': Religious tune at Jerusalem embassy opening drowns out protests
09:29:58 ◀︎ Funerals for 60 Gazans killed expected to ratchet tensions on border | LIVE UPDATES
09:55:37 ◀︎ It's not a 'Hamas march' in Gaza. It's tens of thousands willing to die
10:20:28 ◀︎ When Israel’s religious authorities assisted Jewish women in Iran
10:36:19 ◀︎ Iraq elections: Populist cleric al-Sadr emerges as frontrunner
11:19:01 ◀︎ Six must-reads on deadly Gaza protests and U.S. Embassy's Jerusalem move
11:38:53 ◀︎ The day Donald Trump was crowned king in Jerusalem
11:47:53 ◀︎ Watch the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem's full opening ceremony
12:32:18 ◀︎ Under attack by far-right gov't, Soros’ Open Society Foundations to close Hungary offices
12:54:50 ◀︎ Colbert rips into Ivanka and Jared as 'Peace-Treaty Barbie' opens U.S. embassy in Jerusalem
13:02:06 ◀︎ Iraq elections: Populist anti-U.S. cleric al-Sadr emerges as surprise frontrunner
13:34:24 ◀︎ 'Notorious RBG' documentary is surprise box office hit in America
13:40:31 ◀︎ Jerusalem celebrates, Tel Aviv parties and Gaza bleeds - a surreal 24 hours
14:01:13 ◀︎ How the world media covered Israel and the deadliest day of the Gaza protests
14:26:54 ◀︎ Hamas trying to use deadly Gaza clashes to secure humanitarian relief, Israel believes
14:37:15 ◀︎ Who is Moqtada al-Sadr? The cleric who attacked U.S. troops and is Iraq's likely next PM
15:07:36 ◀︎ The Israeli left’s endless misery in the days of Netanyahu and Trumpistan
15:14:28 ◀︎ ‘Ashamed to be Jewish’: As Trump base celebrates embassy move, horrified U.S. Jews mourn Gaza deaths
15:36:39 ◀︎ Why is Israel using lethal force against the protesters of Gaza?
16:35:16 ◀︎ Turkey expels Israeli ambassador over Gaza deaths; Belgium summons Israeli envoy
16:35:16 ◀︎ 'Tully': Not just another motherhood movie
16:39:53 ◀︎ How Israel overcame politics in winning the Eurovision song contest
16:42:09 ◀︎ Women of the Wall leaders banned from Kotel after refusing to pray behind barricades
17:21:36 ◀︎ '13 Reasons Why' season two is nothing without the tapes
17:49:32 ◀︎ The few options Iran and Europe have to save nuclear deal
17:58:49 ◀︎ Israel's public relations attempts to put Band-Aid on Gaza's mortal wound
18:06:40 ◀︎ Saudi Arabia rejects transfer of U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, claims state TV
18:17:44 ◀︎ Tom Wolfe, chronicler and satirist of American culture, has died at age 87
18:32:29 ◀︎ Natalie Portman will receive 'Jewish Nobel' despite refusal to attend ceremony in Israel
18:53:17 ◀︎ What kind of a man grins like that, knowing the Gaza death toll is rising by ten an hour