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י"ב בתמוז התשע"ח
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00:02:08 ◀︎ It’s not the economy, stupid: Tough times for Angela Merkel
00:11:33 ◀︎ Turkey elections: Erdogan's win paves the road toward autocracy
00:11:33 ◀︎ ‘The ultimate deal’: Crushing the Palestinian people grain by grain
00:35:15 ◀︎ The anti-Erdogan opposition fails to halt Turkey's descent into an elected dictatorship
01:06:38 ◀︎ Segregation at Rabin Square
04:21:35 ◀︎ Haaretz Cartoon
06:40:27 ◀︎ Jordanian King Abdullah to meet Trump in last-ditch attempt to influence peace plan
09:17:42 ◀︎ Prince William kicks off Mideast tour, praises Jordan's commitment to Palestinians
09:28:42 ◀︎ Police probing attempted torching of Netanyahu critic's car
11:42:21 ◀︎ Hamas seeks a major conflict with Israel, defense officials warn
12:18:57 ◀︎ Prince William in Israel: All the details on the first-ever royal visit
13:27:23 ◀︎ Jerusalem's multiple wannabe mayors could split the secular vote
13:43:16 ◀︎ Corbyn says a Labour-led government would quickly recognize Palestine as a state
13:43:16 ◀︎ Turkish opposition leader yields to loss, warns of 'one-man regime'
13:47:41 ◀︎ Palestinian report: Israeli army opens fire on youths in southern Gaza Strip
13:53:09 ◀︎ Walk or die: Algeria forces 13,000 migrants into the Sahara desert
13:56:26 ◀︎ Jordan says won't take Syrian refugees displaced by latest offensive
14:02:11 ◀︎ Russia says 70 Syrian rebels killed in fighting in country's south
14:06:49 ◀︎ Algeria has abandoned 13,000 migrants in the Sahara Desert
14:11:15 ◀︎ Presbyterian Church USA passes resolutions critical of Israel at its General Assembly
14:24:33 ◀︎ Erdogan’s numbers racket: Turkey’s economy is about to come crashing down
14:34:50 ◀︎ Saudi-led coalition says it killed eight Hezbollah militants in Yemen
15:16:26 ◀︎ Iranian protesters clash with police outside parliament in Tehran
15:40:27 ◀︎ We flew a drone over the fires raging around Gaza. This is what we saw
16:14:28 ◀︎ Palestinians and Israelis remember life under British rule
16:28:05 ◀︎ Syrian, Palestinian asylum seekers jailed for synagogue firebombing in Sweden
16:44:13 ◀︎ Tzipi Livni threatens to break up Zionist Union if not made opposition leader
16:50:39 ◀︎ Britain's Prince William meets Syrian refugees at Jordan's Jerash
16:59:49 ◀︎ Trump's peace plan may have a surprising Palestinian partner: Hamas
17:14:14 ◀︎ Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff: June 25, 2018
17:15:23 ◀︎ Trump trash talks restaurant that booted Sanders - legal questions abound
17:20:49 ◀︎ What Netanyahu packed for her overseas trip: Senior aide airs the dirty laundry
17:38:20 ◀︎ Erdogan just became Turkey's new founding father
18:56:54 ◀︎ Trump tells Jimmy Fallon to 'be a man' after the comedian claimed he regrets 'humanizing' him
19:10:31 ◀︎ Citing racism, Israeli lawmakers slam immigration officials for rejecting Ugandan Jews
19:11:40 ◀︎ Does keeping Kosher mean having less sex?
19:37:41 ◀︎ Saudi woman drives Formula 1 car, marking end of ban on female drivers
21:31:43 ◀︎ Thousands attend gender-segregated Chabad event in central Tel Aviv
21:31:43 ◀︎ From Tel Aviv to El Al, Israel is backsliding on gender segregation
21:42:59 ◀︎ Alongside Jordanian king, Trump promises 'lot of progress' made on Middle East peace deal
23:15:49 ◀︎ Priest accused of anti-Semitism behind new Polish Holocaust museum