צפיות בכותרות
כ"ז בתמוז התשע"ח
▲︎ לוהט
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
00:06:54 ◀︎ Regev seeks power to slash funding to Nakba Law violators
00:23:30 ◀︎ This is our science minister
00:28:14 ◀︎ Unfair ire surrounding the joint Israeli-Polish Holocaust statement
00:41:17 ◀︎ I’m proud to be a black Jew
00:56:40 ◀︎ Miracle in Judeostan
01:22:40 ◀︎ Israelis turned down for medical school to make room for foreigners
01:56:58 ◀︎ Spate of earthquakes leaves Tiberias feeling vulnerable
02:10:02 ◀︎ Flug confounds markets with dovish interest rate stance
02:22:50 ◀︎ The Ticker: Discount Bank makes offer to buy Dexia and merge it with Mercantile unit
08:32:15 ◀︎ 'These Jews are not Jews, but devils incarnate': Was Martin Luther anti-Semitic?
08:59:18 ◀︎ Israeli president warns Jewish-only communities undermine Zionist vision
11:34:17 ◀︎ First Israeli spacecraft to the moon to launch in December
11:42:38 ◀︎ First Israeli spacecraft to head to moon on back of Elon Musk's SpaceX rocket
12:25:09 ◀︎ Israeli minister blocks top brain researcher because she protested the occupation
12:27:25 ◀︎ Iranian plan to 'airlift $350 million' from Germany to Tehran sparks U.S. anger
12:46:14 ◀︎ How many times can U.S. Jewish liberals cry 'Nazi!' at Trump?
13:10:53 ◀︎ North Korea reportedly asked Israel for $1 billion in cash to halt missile sale to Iran
13:13:15 ◀︎ Turkey's Erdogan uses extended powers to appoint son-in-law finance minister
13:34:39 ◀︎ Saudi-led coalition faces extended quagmire in Yemen's main port city
13:48:41 ◀︎ Ari Shavit knew how powerful he was. He is still deep in denial
13:48:41 ◀︎ Israel will not tolerate even one Syrian soldier on border, defense minister warns
14:11:20 ◀︎ Israeli firm gets green light to advance trials for non-opiate painkiller
14:32:30 ◀︎ Ethiopia and Eritrea finally make peace - here is what it took
14:46:38 ◀︎ Israel ranked eighth most powerful country in the world
14:51:08 ◀︎ 'Israel's closure of Gaza crossing is like shooting a dying man'
15:21:39 ◀︎ One backpack for every Bedouin: Protests against West Bank village school's demolition continues
15:59:45 ◀︎ Jewish groups slam Trump's Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh
16:03:20 ◀︎ ‘Iran’s actions will have a high cost,’ Pompeo says in UAE visit
16:45:29 ◀︎ Trump says he can't say if Putin is friend or foe
16:52:28 ◀︎ Syria's Assad, aided by Russia, poised to snuff out 'cradle' of revolt
17:06:48 ◀︎ Netanyahu to make it official: Fascism is what we are
17:48:34 ◀︎ Intervention against apartheid law casts Rivlin as brave gatekeeper of Israeli democracy and morality
18:12:48 ◀︎ Israeli navy stops Gaza boat attempting to breach naval blockade
18:24:40 ◀︎ Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff: July 10, 2018
18:34:09 ◀︎ Iran vows to sell as much oil as it can despite U.S. sanctions
18:48:18 ◀︎ Life's so sad, it's funny: Netflix is leading a comedy gold rush
18:54:12 ◀︎ Trump says he still has ‘Rocket Man’ CD for Kim
19:09:41 ◀︎ Explained: The controversial bill that would allow ‘Jewish-only’ communities in Israel
19:38:14 ◀︎ An Israeli singer returns to her Yemeni roots – and fans in Yemen approve
20:09:57 ◀︎ 'Ant-Man and the Wasp': Marvel's revolutionary choice pays off
20:34:43 ◀︎ Germany increases funding for Holocaust survivors by $88 million
22:07:13 ◀︎ Netanyahu may offer Putin: Remove Iran from Syria for lifting of U.S. sanction on Russia
22:54:38 ◀︎ Telecom tycoon admits he acted to slant coverage in favor of Netanyahu: 'I didn't want to annoy the PM'
23:23:15 ◀︎ Jewish groups give mixed reaction to Trump's Supreme Court nominee
23:35:02 ◀︎ Netanyahu may offer Putin: Remove Iran from Syria for lifting of U.S. sanctions on Russia
23:35:02 ◀︎ Attorney general warns Netanyahu of international implications if Nation-state Bill passed
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27