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ג' בתשרי התשע"ט (צום גדליה)
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00:15:57 ◀︎ The strong earn respect
01:59:21 ◀︎ Trump to place sanctions on anyone interfering in elections
05:04:11 ◀︎ U.S. Education Dept. reopens case alleging anti-Semitism at Rutgers University
06:10:11 ◀︎ Stephen Miller's childhood rabbi rips Trump aide's 'negativity, violence, malice and brutality'
09:14:29 ◀︎ U.S. warns Iran: We'll respond swiftly to attacks by Tehran's allies in Iraq
09:46:24 ◀︎ 25 years later, Israel’s right wing is still battling the Oslo Accords
09:58:25 ◀︎ It all could've been different: Imagine Israel today, had the Oslo Accords been implemented
10:01:40 ◀︎ Iran pivots toward China as U.S. sanctions bite
10:27:02 ◀︎ 'A predator who wouldn't stop pushing himself on me': Second woman comes out against Netanyahu spokesperson
11:22:01 ◀︎ Teva to hold generic opioid addiction drug launch pending U.S. ruling
11:41:16 ◀︎ Iran has between 3,000-4,000 active centrifuges, parliament speaker says
12:18:34 ◀︎ Trendy Israeli eateries grab the spotlight as New York's traditional Jewish restaurants die out
12:50:31 ◀︎ Israeli authorities deny Bedouin man assaulted at Tel Aviv grocery access to investigative file
13:08:09 ◀︎ Pro-Israel group secretly ran misleading Facebook ads to target Palestinian-American poet
13:30:44 ◀︎ Palestinian sentenced to 35 years in prison for stabbing, paralyzing Jerusalem policewoman
13:50:29 ◀︎ Are the Bedouin of Palestine a lost tribe of Israel?
14:04:25 ◀︎ Merkel condemns xenophobia, neo-Nazis following violent protests in Germany
14:07:32 ◀︎ 5 times Trump has targeted the Palestinians
14:20:51 ◀︎ Israeli border policemen accused of stealing cash from Palestinians in bogus vehicle checks
14:25:17 ◀︎ How Kushner played matchmaker between Israel and Saudi Arabia, according to Woodward
14:53:40 ◀︎ Over one million displaced in Syria so far this year, UN says
15:37:27 ◀︎ Israeli judge raps police for wrongful arrest of IKEA contractor in alleged break-in
17:01:22 ◀︎ Kim Kardashian signs deal to be the face of Israeli brand Carolina Lemke
17:12:03 ◀︎ I advised the Palestinian negotiating team. It was a mistake to have negotiated with Israel at all
17:40:43 ◀︎ Turkey boosts weapons supply to Syrian rebels as Idlib offensive looms
18:39:06 ◀︎ Cynthia Nixon urges Cuomo to apologize for mailer calling her soft on anti-Semitism
18:56:14 ◀︎ Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff: September 12, 2018
18:56:14 ◀︎ Israeli public housing tenants charged excessive municipal tax
19:03:50 ◀︎ EU's Mogherini: Israeli demolition of West Bank village endangers two-state solution
19:10:30 ◀︎ Assad regime used chemical weapons on Damascus and Idlib, UN watchdog says
19:17:53 ◀︎ Support growing for rate hike at the Bank of Israel
19:19:03 ◀︎ Sick and stuck in the Strip: How leaving Gaza became mission impossible
19:26:52 ◀︎ Netanyahu shared fake news about Soros. Now he and Facebook have to answer to the court
19:42:57 ◀︎ The messianic Zionist religion whose believers worship Judaism (but can't practice it)
20:00:43 ◀︎ World's oldest hashtag: Earliest known drawing found in South African cave
21:15:44 ◀︎ Deadly hit and run near West Bank outpost wasn't an attack, IDF and police determine
21:20:11 ◀︎ The Oslo Accords didn't achieve peace. But they did birth Startup Nation
21:42:09 ◀︎ Eric Trump accused of anti-Semitism for saying Woodward earned 'three extra shekels' on CNN
22:16:34 ◀︎ Tiny burger, frozen fries: New N.Y. Jewish deli in Jaffa is amateurish and annoying
22:38:31 ◀︎ Court extends detention of Israeli Arab suspected of incitement to terror
23:08:32 ◀︎ Ten more women accuse Netanyahu spokesman Keyes of improper behavior
23:08:32 ◀︎ Haaretz Cartoon
23:36:20 ◀︎ Failure’s silver anniversary
23:45:12 ◀︎ 'I get the boycott. But it's not the way': U.S. band Why? explains why they performed in Israel
23:45:12 ◀︎ For first time since 1980, Israel's National Insurance Institute won’t give surplus to treasury
23:45:12 ◀︎ Early childhood failure