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00:12:43 ◀︎ American Jews may never forgive Israel for its reaction to the Pittsburgh massacre
00:39:03 ◀︎ Education Minister dubiously uses private law firm to advance West Bank university's status
01:14:43 ◀︎ Israeli Arab municipal elections: More violence, but more women
01:17:55 ◀︎ In Israel or elsewhere, there's a price to funding art
01:21:07 ◀︎ Netanyahu, man of peace
01:55:25 ◀︎ Genius, sex symbol, ultra-Orthodox: Revisiting an iconic Israeli director
02:17:23 ◀︎ Gas and guns: Crackdown on smuggling stirs dissent in Tunisia
02:32:56 ◀︎ The online fake news war sowing confusion around Khashoggi killing
06:32:38 ◀︎ Egyptian pressure and Qatari aid bring Israel and Hamas closer to a deal
07:32:15 ◀︎ Six killed in car crash near Dead Sea
08:35:49 ◀︎ A moving Shabbat prayer in Pittsburgh - and why it sparked my outrage
09:17:14 ◀︎ Dozens of teens from Gaza border communities to march to Jerusalem in protest of security situation
10:07:38 ◀︎ Yitzhak Rabin's assassination had 'no historical influence,' Knesset speaker says
11:09:48 ◀︎ Rabin memorial rally organizers don’t understand they're living in a divided country
11:42:08 ◀︎ Thousands of Iranians mark anniversary of U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran as Trump restores sanctions
11:45:18 ◀︎ What's the only country in the world where men claim they're more religious than women?
12:28:23 ◀︎ New York City warns of measles outbreak in Brooklyn's Orthodox Jewish community
14:02:47 ◀︎ 20 years after Matthew Shepard, Colorado is poised for a political earthquake
15:06:32 ◀︎ Weiss to Maher: U.S. Jews traded Trump their values for Israel - after Pittsburgh we know it's not worth it
15:14:13 ◀︎ 'I didn't report my rape because I was 7. I could be murdered for this, but I can't stay silent'
15:43:21 ◀︎ Israeli Arab ex-lawmaker, imprisoned for smuggling phones to inmates, asks to be transferred over health concerns
15:48:54 ◀︎ 20 years after Matthew Shepard, Jared Polis set to make history in Colorado
16:10:19 ◀︎ Desert farmers in Israel invented unique farming method 1,000 years ago
16:15:38 ◀︎ Bahrain court sentences three opposition members to life behind bars on charges of spying for Qatar
16:25:05 ◀︎ NBC Nightly News caps off show with cantor reciting Kaddish in honor of Pittsburgh victims
16:34:44 ◀︎ Texas to Florida: Voter turnout skyrockets as Hispanic enthusiasm surges
16:36:48 ◀︎ Neanderthal children got badly sick in winter, study shows
16:39:59 ◀︎ Knesset closes for visitors to film a reality show for which it is paying – with murky legality
17:29:28 ◀︎ Thanks to Trump, the entire Mideast now knows: You're either with America, or against us
17:37:59 ◀︎ Neo-Nazis target Oprah after she campaigned in Georgia's governor's race
17:39:02 ◀︎ GOP Candidate: No peace in Israel until Jews convert to Christianity
17:41:14 ◀︎ Saudi-backed forces advance towards Yemen's Hodeidah as UN warns of famine
17:44:32 ◀︎ From at home in America, to 'all Jews must die': How safe are U.S. Jews after two years of Trump?
17:52:56 ◀︎ These midterms, it’s a MitzVote for Jewish American students
18:20:43 ◀︎ Meet the American Jewish military veterans running in this year's midterm elections
18:36:28 ◀︎ Israel announces new oil and gas venture in eastern Mediterranean
18:43:51 ◀︎ Meet the first ultra-Orthodox singer to get a major record deal in the U.S.
19:02:54 ◀︎ After Pittsburgh, will U.S. Jews punish Trump in the Midterms?
19:40:58 ◀︎ Amid measles outbreak in Israel, two high school students and a teacher contract disease
20:08:00 ◀︎ Israeli ultra-Orthodox women's 'slave market': Lower wages, more exploitation
20:42:32 ◀︎ Israeli security forces raid PA offices in West Bank over sale of Jerusalem home to Jews
21:03:27 ◀︎ Islamic State Islamic State claims responsibility for car bomb that killed one in Syria's Raqqa
21:17:39 ◀︎ Jeursalem municipality inspectors caught on camera confiscating Palestinian female vendors' goods
21:26:17 ◀︎ The big loser in local elections? National parties
21:44:36 ◀︎ Jewish nurse who treated suspected Pittsburgh shooter: I did it out of love
22:20:49 ◀︎ Report: Man charged with hate crime after making threatening calls to Chicago synagogue
22:33:39 ◀︎ Settlers keep attacking Palestinian farmers' produce, and Israeli authorities don't care
22:55:21 ◀︎ Gazans are bending Israel and Hamas to their will – all the way toward a deal
23:48:09 ◀︎ Business in Brief: PetroTx becomes accidental producer of Dead Sea oil