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00:13:29 ◀︎ Israeli police say spurned lover set up murder of Jaffa mother of three
00:34:44 ◀︎ Yes to the Arab slate, no to the Kahanists
01:10:33 ◀︎ The opposition must follow Rotem Sela’s lead
02:05:10 ◀︎ Justice Ministry to probe northern Israeli town's fight against facility for addicts, homeless
02:39:28 ◀︎ Israel court calls far-left candidate's statement's 'very grave,' suggests he recant
03:13:06 ◀︎ Transportation: An Israeli failure, says comptroller
03:35:02 ◀︎ Virtual blood vessels and 3D printed organs: The Israeli technology training doctors
05:48:56 ◀︎ Synonym for ‘instant movie star’: Israeli Tom Mercier
05:55:55 ◀︎ Haaretz Cartoon
09:36:50 ◀︎ Boeing faces worst crisis in years with worldwide grounding of 737 jets
09:36:50 ◀︎ India and Pakistan to hold first meeting since Kashmir escalation
09:51:22 ◀︎ Front page of Polish paper runs piece on 'how to spot a Jew'
10:57:30 ◀︎ Forget marijuana, Feiglin’s been smoking some pretty strong ideological stuff
11:34:50 ◀︎ Ruth Bader Ginsburg poster defaced with swastika in Brooklyn
12:37:34 ◀︎ Beto O'Rourke, former Texas congressman, joins 2020 presidential race
13:14:05 ◀︎ 'We represent the people': Israel's top judge scolded at Kahanist's hearing
13:31:49 ◀︎ Judge in sex for judgeship scandal named by Israeli High Court
13:40:12 ◀︎ Turkey says F-35 fighter jets to be delivered in November despite U.S. opposition
13:44:50 ◀︎ How Golda Meir became Israel’s first (and only) female prime minister
13:47:23 ◀︎ Why Anti-Muslim hate Is back with a vengeance in Britain's ruling party
14:23:50 ◀︎ Netanyahu outfoxed Russia, Iran and ISIS with his cynical, ruthless Syria policy
14:28:27 ◀︎ 76 years later, stories of Jewish soldiers killed in Nazi bombing can finally be told
14:34:08 ◀︎ 'Ignorant, nasty and mean-hearted': The rising Israeli star who dared to play in a movie critical of Israel
14:42:27 ◀︎ U.S. Senate rebukes Trump on Saudi, backs war powers resolution - veto looms
14:50:30 ◀︎ Trump administration faults Saudi Arabia in killing of journalist
14:53:57 ◀︎ Exxon eyes Israel gas bid amid major shift to Middle East
15:27:05 ◀︎ Tel Aviv installs 'zombie lights' for smartphone-addicted pedestrians
15:31:33 ◀︎ Are Jewish lives more threatened by the left or the right? That's the wrong question
16:29:04 ◀︎ 1,700-year-old inscription identifies great city of Elusa - now in an Israeli firing zone
16:57:03 ◀︎ Syria's Assad says 'war isn't over,' claims he's fighting four wars at once
17:04:49 ◀︎ Rank and File: Journey to space with Barbara Moont
17:07:10 ◀︎ Tel Aviv ranks 104th on 2019 quality of life index topped by Vienna
17:33:33 ◀︎ Teens suspected of Temple Mount arson say they wanted to harm Israeli police officer who provoked worshipers
17:50:57 ◀︎ Hundreds of Islamic State militants surrender after losing fight over their last enclave in Syria
18:08:03 ◀︎ President Rivlin says attacks by the Israeli right-wing won't intimidate him
18:10:16 ◀︎ Russian cruise missile submarine sails to the Mediterranean
18:17:15 ◀︎ 'Stop whining about your Holocaust already': What happens when Europe's Jews call out anti-Semitism
18:45:37 ◀︎ Europe, then China. Now, Israel is the new front in Trump’s trade wars
18:56:20 ◀︎ Meet the Israeli Druze artist taking the art world by storm
19:01:21 ◀︎ U.S. military to test ground-launched cruise missile banned for decades as treaty with Russia falls apart
19:32:41 ◀︎ Samantha Bee slams 'white supremacist' Tucker Carlson as his show tops cable news ratings
19:33:58 ◀︎ The Birthright vs. J Street fight about free trips to Israel is completely pointless
19:43:41 ◀︎ The anti-Semitism fest where Russian spies, Code Pink, David Duke and the Nation of Islam make friends and influence people
19:47:02 ◀︎ Israeli actress sparks controversy by saying right-wingers incite 'toward a civil war'
20:15:28 ◀︎ On Israel’s Gaza border, praying for an end to Netanyahu’s ‘Hamas government’
21:10:50 ◀︎ Two Gaza rockets fired at Tel Aviv; missile defense activated
21:16:54 ◀︎ 'Endless trip to hell': Israel jails hundreds of Palestinian boys a year. These are their testimonies
21:41:34 ◀︎ Israel says Iran hacked ex-general Gantz's phone ahead of election
22:25:46 ◀︎ 'Israelis led India’s airstrikes': In Pakistan, the Hindu-Zionist conspiracy theory takes a wild turn
22:57:54 ◀︎ On April 9, Israel forced to choose between Gantz or the shvantz