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00:04:32 ◀︎ Mueller maelstrom could compel Netanyahu to repay Trump by endorsing his claim of innocence
00:34:08 ◀︎ Netanyahu dropped by for a surprise interview. He won't do it again
01:09:53 ◀︎ Trump-Russia findings expected Sunday, says U.S. attorney general's office
01:20:16 ◀︎ The alleged Netanyahu sex tape of the past that saved Gantz's future
01:44:44 ◀︎ The Golan Heights first
02:39:56 ◀︎ Jerusalem’s Golden Gate has been at center of religious conflicts for more than 1,000 years
02:50:38 ◀︎ How Iran beat U.S. sanctions in order to sell oil in Asia
03:21:47 ◀︎ Israel strikes Hamas outposts after charges hurled over Gaza border fence
04:08:35 ◀︎ Haaretz Cartoon
06:14:33 ◀︎ Chinese involvement in Israeli infrastructure could create security risks, U.S. study warns
06:49:24 ◀︎ Palestinian car hit Israeli troops, and a shot was fired return. Four minutes later, nine more bullets followed
09:45:52 ◀︎ Pro-Israeli demonstrators rally outside Ilhan Omar event in L.A.
09:54:11 ◀︎ Palestinian car hit soldiers, they shot back once. Four minutes later, nine bullets followed
12:13:00 ◀︎ 134 killed in Mali in deadliest attack in recent years
12:15:25 ◀︎ New Zealand reopens mosques that were attacked; many 'march for love'
12:21:14 ◀︎ Submarines and 'state secrets': The red flags in Netanyahu's latest version
12:34:13 ◀︎ Ilhan Omar rallies support for bill banning gay conversion therapy
12:41:57 ◀︎ Far-right leader says won't join next Israeli government unless it agrees to legalize marijuana
12:46:46 ◀︎ O’Rourke gives a nod to Sanders as Vermont senator's poll numbers 'plummet'
13:16:10 ◀︎ 'Traitor!' Why it's so dangerous to be an Israeli army whistleblower
13:22:10 ◀︎ Thousands attend vigil to honor 50 victims of New Zealand mosque massacre
13:32:49 ◀︎ Not even Yair Netanyahu can stop 'The Bride from Istanbul'
13:48:08 ◀︎ Syrian state media says rebels shell village with gas, injuring 21
13:54:01 ◀︎ Trump declares ISIS defeated, but what happened to its shadowy leader al-Baghdadi?
14:10:17 ◀︎ T-rex to end all T-rexes discovered in Saskatchewan
14:16:44 ◀︎ Egyptian singer banned after claiming lack of free speech
14:35:22 ◀︎ AIPAC live updates: Netanyahu lands in D.C. for conference, Trump talks
14:36:24 ◀︎ GOP chief alleges NBC media bias on ISIS defeat, but news crew was hit by explosive
15:02:26 ◀︎ Turkey's Kurds rally ahead of local elections that will test Erdogan
15:41:06 ◀︎ When is it terror? For many Muslims, New Zealand attack highlights double standard
15:46:56 ◀︎ AIPAC is more divisive than ever. As confab kicks off, here’s how to fix it
16:21:19 ◀︎ Yair Netanyahu to speak at AIPAC youth reception in Washington
16:23:36 ◀︎ U.S. on edge as Trump's AG weighs how much of the Mueller report to release
16:30:48 ◀︎ Head of the Southern Poverty Law Center steps down after founder’s firing
16:40:01 ◀︎ Trump just boosted Netanyahu – but handed Putin an even more priceless gift
16:47:04 ◀︎ 40 years on, rare, intimate photos of Begin and Sadat signing peace agreement
18:03:14 ◀︎ Haaretz poll: 42% of Israelis back West Bank annexation, including two-state supporters
18:04:25 ◀︎ Benjamin Netanyahu, the undertaker of the two-state solution
18:10:21 ◀︎ On a clear day in the West Bank, you can see the Israel you lost forever
18:10:21 ◀︎ Two states, one and other solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
18:16:14 ◀︎ Gantz to blame for abduction of Israeli soldier in 2014 Gaza war, right-wing leader says
18:19:54 ◀︎ Egypt locking up transgender women in men's prisons
18:25:42 ◀︎ Netanyahu 'crossed all red lines' in submarine sale affair, Gantz says
18:59:19 ◀︎ Trump to recognize Israel's sovereignty over Golan Monday, foreign minister says
19:06:23 ◀︎ From Trump Jr. to Jared Kushner: Who could still be in legal jeopardy?
19:25:13 ◀︎ Two-state solution: U.S. Jews won't budge. Will it cost them their relationship with Israel?
19:43:59 ◀︎ Russian air force planes land in Venezuela carrying troops: report
20:09:52 ◀︎ Attorney general contradicts Netanyahu's claim: I was not told the 'state secret' behind sale of submarine to Egypt
20:33:55 ◀︎ Palestinian teens indicted for throwing firebombs at Temple Mount police post
20:40:50 ◀︎ Family of Barkan terrorist rebuilds home three months after Israel razed it