צפיות בכותרות
י"ט באייר התשע"ט
▲︎ לוהט
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
00:03:37 ◀︎ Israeli police filmed violently arresting ultra-Orthodox youth with special needs
00:10:49 ◀︎ The High Court in all its humility
00:43:50 ◀︎ Mark your calendars, Netanyahu's indictment is coming. Afterward, nothing will be the same
00:43:50 ◀︎ My father dreamed of returning to his Palestinian village. When he did, it became his prison
00:50:54 ◀︎ Israeli government to continue subsidizing flights to southern resort town of Eilat
02:19:52 ◀︎ Shabbat crusade: Why have the ultra-Orthodox picked this one business to boycott?
03:10:13 ◀︎ Delek signs binding pact to sell insurer Phoenix
03:43:45 ◀︎ And what if the Trump plan should work after all?
04:07:58 ◀︎ Baseball: Jerusalem retakes sole possession of first position in Premier League
04:50:22 ◀︎ With its national security at stake, Israel takes sides in U.S.-China trade war
05:15:19 ◀︎ Haaretz cartoon
12:01:24 ◀︎ Israel labelled 'apartheid state' at New York University graduation ceremony
12:22:15 ◀︎ Britain's Theresa May to step down as PM on June 7
13:09:55 ◀︎ Trump's peace plan offers Palestinians a severance package for the occupation
13:27:41 ◀︎ At this East Jerusalem school, non-stop play is an educational tool
14:02:24 ◀︎ Emergency forces continue to battle wildfires as heatwave intensifies
14:07:03 ◀︎ Bundestag members, am I anti-Semitic?
14:24:34 ◀︎ U.S. State Department misses deadline to explain whether Iran arms report was slanted
15:18:59 ◀︎ Report: Trump administration plans to bypass Congress in arms sale to Gulf nations
15:18:59 ◀︎ A 5-year-old Gaza girl, dying all alone
15:29:18 ◀︎ Netanyahu has six days to form a government. What happens if he fails?
15:48:25 ◀︎ Should I go easy on the man who assaulted me because he's a Holocaust survivor?
18:15:02 ◀︎ Amid Iran tensions, Trump announces deployment of 1,500 troops to Middle East
18:34:38 ◀︎ 'Ashamed' far-right leader Strache retaliates: Video doesn't reflect 'complete context'
18:38:27 ◀︎ Why Gandhi lost Uttar Pradesh family seat in Indian election
18:51:42 ◀︎ Unfunny and full of stereotypes: Israeli miniseries on Eurovision is a lot worse than the real thing
19:51:00 ◀︎ Bomb explodes in southern French city of Lyon, eight people injured lightly
19:54:36 ◀︎ French police in manhunt for suspect in Lyon bombing attack that injured 13
23:05:51 ◀︎ Trump cites Iran to bypass Congress on Saudi arms sales
23:08:09 ◀︎ Lebanese cabinet agrees on critical state budget for debt-ridden country
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 18:56 20:08
תל אביב 19:11 20:11
חיפה 19:04 20:12
באר שבע 19:12 20:10