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00:13:10 ◀︎ Rape of 7-year-old from West Bank settlement wasn't politically motivated, security sources say
00:55:48 ◀︎ Iran has turned the nuclear deal into a tool to pressure Europe and America
01:42:32 ◀︎ U.S. to send 1,000 more troops to Mideast amid Iran tensions
01:53:04 ◀︎ Awaiting impact of Morsi's death, Israel closely watching events in Egypt
02:51:28 ◀︎ Judge rejects request to toughen Sara Netanyahu verdict
03:37:16 ◀︎ The Israeli opposition's real problem
04:56:30 ◀︎ At Paris Air Show, Israel displays its next-gen drones
05:06:13 ◀︎ Palestinian contractors poised for riches from Israeli tech firm’s takeover
05:41:54 ◀︎ Intel delaying construction of new Israeli semiconductor plant
08:43:13 ◀︎ Tel Aviv school protests planned deportations of Filipino classmates
09:15:15 ◀︎ Actor John Cusack slammed after posting 'pro-Palestinian' meme with neo-Nazi quote
09:16:20 ◀︎ Israel must let the foreign-worker mothers and children stay
10:24:38 ◀︎ U.S. anti-pinkwashing 'progressives' don't see LGBTQ Israelis as real people, only pawns
11:18:48 ◀︎ Syria says it does not want to fight with Turkey as tensions mount over attacks
11:25:45 ◀︎ Russia thwarts U.S. cyber attacks on its infrastructure, reports local news
11:31:40 ◀︎ Trump: New York Times 'must be held accountable' for 'virtual treason' on Russia story
11:36:24 ◀︎ Israel seeks to erase archives of intel firm Psy-Group employed in anti-BDS campaign
11:46:25 ◀︎ Trump threatens to deport millions beginning next week
11:53:17 ◀︎ U.S. pressure behind Israeli delay in evacuating Bedouin village, defense official says
11:54:25 ◀︎ Quebec passes law banning kippahs, turbans and hijabs for public workers
11:56:40 ◀︎ Israel’s right must stop splintering – and reach out to the Arab community
11:56:40 ◀︎ Qatar 2022 World Cup scandal: Former head of European football association detained for questioning
12:01:29 ◀︎ False rocket siren sounds in Israeli town near Lebanon border
12:11:55 ◀︎ Russia to Washington: Drop Middle East troop plans or risk war with Iran
12:33:26 ◀︎ Egypt's ousted President Morsi buried in shroud of secrecy after courtroom death
12:43:56 ◀︎ Israel lifts Gaza maritime blockade, allows fishing 10 nautical miles out to sea
12:43:56 ◀︎ Trump accuses Fox News of 'Fake News' over poll showing him losing to Biden and Bernie
13:09:10 ◀︎ Rockets hit Iraqi base hosting U.S. forces near Baghdad
13:26:07 ◀︎ These South African Jews hate the occupation as much as they hate BDS
13:41:53 ◀︎ As tensions rise, Trump admin demands Iran comply with nuclear accord it pulled out of
13:53:48 ◀︎ What the popularity of ‘Shtisel’ tells us about the non-Orthodox majority
13:53:48 ◀︎ Cars vandalized, malicious graffiti sprayed in Palestinian town
13:55:00 ◀︎ Qatar sends technical experts to Israel, eyeing new Gaza power line
13:55:00 ◀︎ 'Lists of Jews were stolen': Venezuelan opposition leader tells of state-sponsored anti-Semitism
13:57:26 ◀︎ Facebook to launch its own cryptocurrency, with lofty goals
14:04:34 ◀︎ Amnesty urges Egypt to investigation ousted president Morsi's courtroom death
14:53:31 ◀︎ Germany's Merkel appears unsteady, shaking at ceremony - says was dehydrated
15:11:04 ◀︎ As its economy tanks, Iran may have to talk with America
15:33:25 ◀︎ In rare move, Israel's top court to rehear case on denying adulterous woman property rights
15:40:31 ◀︎ Capturing journalism in the moment: Day and night at Haaretz
15:50:11 ◀︎ Trump calls Gulf tanker attacks 'very minor' as Pentagon steps up rhetoric and deploys troops
15:56:09 ◀︎ Morsi symbolized the triumph of Egypt's revolution – and its collapse
15:56:09 ◀︎ Early farmers in 9,000-year-old Turkish town couldn’t stand each other
16:45:42 ◀︎ How did prehistoric hyenas reach the Americas? Through the Arctic
16:48:08 ◀︎ Ocasio-Cortez accuses Trump admin of 'brutalizing' immigrants in 'concentration camps'
16:58:50 ◀︎ No Palestinians, no Israelis, maybe even no journalists: What’s left of Kushner’s Bahrain summit
17:35:33 ◀︎ Dianne Feinstein’s billionaire husband and his love affair with Israel
18:15:13 ◀︎ Israel police failed to send evidence for forensic test in rape case of seven-year-old girl
18:20:11 ◀︎ The upcoming neo-Nazi concert in Ukraine that no one is talking about
19:07:36 ◀︎ Don't open 'Pandora's Box' in Middle East, China warns