צפיות בכותרות
י' באב התשע"ט (צום תשעה באב [נדחה])
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00:22:59 ◀︎ One alarming factor ties thwarted Gaza attack and Israeli soldier’s West Bank murder
02:26:46 ◀︎ Israeli-Arab man gets rejected by country club. His lawyer then poses as a Jew and gets in
03:21:35 ◀︎ In order to block Lieberman, I’m even willing to vote for Likud
03:27:15 ◀︎ Detoxing from Netanyahu
03:36:24 ◀︎ Listen to Mahmoud Abbas
06:30:40 ◀︎ Israeli army shoots armed Palestinian, shells Hamas positions in northern Gaza
07:20:16 ◀︎ Israel shells Hamas outposts after Gazan opens fire on troops near border
10:03:19 ◀︎ Israel allows Jews on Temple Mount after clashes with Muslim worshipers
11:03:36 ◀︎ Forget Islamists, the IMF is the real danger to the Egyptian regime
12:04:18 ◀︎ Epstein suicide sparks fresh round of conspiracy theories
12:07:43 ◀︎ ‘They are like a hurricane’: Israelis flock to Poland, and the locals are not happy
12:07:43 ◀︎ Saudi-led coalition launches operation to take back Aden from breakaway faction
12:10:04 ◀︎ Trump adds fuel to Epstein conspiracy theories after suicide
12:14:36 ◀︎ In major advance, Syrian army takes strategic town in rebel-held Idlib
12:46:12 ◀︎ In Jerusalem, U.S. House leaders back Netanyahu’s decision to let Tlaib and Omar enter Israel
14:10:33 ◀︎ Bill de Blasio is campaigning in Yiddish to save his faltering presidential bid
14:18:30 ◀︎ Universal Pictures nixes controversial film 'The Hunt' in wake of mass U.S. shootings
14:40:14 ◀︎ Tokyo in shock: Netanyahu calls off Japan visit he asked for just 10 days ahead of trip
14:41:22 ◀︎ Tokyo in shock: Netanyahu called off Japan visit he asked for days ahead of trip
15:52:57 ◀︎ Rare jewel found on Mt. Zion reveals Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem
16:32:31 ◀︎ Florida white supremacist arrested after shooting threat on Facebook
17:06:21 ◀︎ Israel's election: A key battleground for the global clash between liberal democracy and its enemies
17:31:30 ◀︎ Gantz doesn't rule out partnership with Netanyahu 'if I go first' at being prime minister
17:48:33 ◀︎ Israeli education ministry secretly eased religious groups’ access inside secular schools
17:58:44 ◀︎ When a ‘loaded’ Nixon confused Syria and Egypt during the Yom Kippur War
18:02:12 ◀︎ White supremacists committed at least 73 killings since Charlottesville, ADL says
18:30:36 ◀︎ Prosecutes vow to continue abuse investigations after Epstein death
18:30:36 ◀︎ Pompeo criticizes Iranian Supreme Leader’s ‘faux concern’ for Palestinians
19:53:02 ◀︎ Suspects in Israeli soldier's murder acted alone, defense officials believe
20:06:43 ◀︎ How a top Palestinian lawyer devoted to nonviolent resistance became a terrorist
20:45:14 ◀︎ UAE-backed Yemeni separatists pull back after seizing port city of Aden
20:53:12 ◀︎ Remedial education program for Bedouin women in Israel in danger of closing
22:07:47 ◀︎ Israeli minister blasts 'weak' Netanyahu over court ruling blocking gender segregation
22:28:10 ◀︎ As border incidents multiply, Hamas shakes off responsibility for operative who shot at Israeli forces
22:52:01 ◀︎ Deportation of Filipina migrant, Israeli-born son imminent after top court rejects appeal
23:23:39 ◀︎ Israeli, Palestinian extremists win latest round of Temple Mount arm twisting