צפיות בכותרות
כ"ט באב התשע"ט
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
00:43:04 ◀︎ The 80th anniversary of World War II: On memory and forgetting
01:23:22 ◀︎ Democratic Union’s failure to launch
01:36:45 ◀︎ Haaretz cartoon
02:04:57 ◀︎ The new Jews
02:54:34 ◀︎ To scare them away in droves
03:09:58 ◀︎ Letters to the editor: We're hiding a girl
04:46:47 ◀︎ Let the parties film in polling stations
05:35:08 ◀︎ Ocasio-Cortez wanted to visit Israel before Netanyahu banned Omar and Tlaib, she says
07:03:04 ◀︎ One-time suspect in unresolved 1982 murder of 12-year-old Israeli girl questioned again
09:06:25 ◀︎ A looming war lifts Netanyahu's spirits
10:50:50 ◀︎ How a Polish general hunted the Nazis. In a tank
11:31:41 ◀︎ Iranian oil tanker sought by U.S. changes course again, headed for Turkey, data shows
11:45:14 ◀︎ Israeli softball team back from historic European Cup trip with heads held high
12:30:39 ◀︎ Kahol Lavan is betting on the Bedouin vote, and it just might pay off
18:25:09 ◀︎ In further breach of nuke deal, Iran passes enriched uranium stock limit
18:29:45 ◀︎ Netanyahu urges Macron to avoid new talks with Iran
18:36:42 ◀︎ Syrian military, Russia step up assault on Idlib, opposition forces say
18:50:29 ◀︎ Israeli army says it arrested four armed Gazans who breached border
19:28:58 ◀︎ Democrats challenge Trump’s take that Omar and Tlaib set party’s stance on Israel
20:23:58 ◀︎ Israeli teachers call off strike as union reaches deal
20:27:18 ◀︎ From Coca Cola to Israel Electric: What promotional factory tours really cost us
21:13:03 ◀︎ Trump says U.S. not behind Iran's failed missile launch, sends country 'best wishes'
21:13:03 ◀︎ Trump's charm offensive in the Middle East might draw unexpected clients
21:47:15 ◀︎ Netanyahu blasts HBO's 'Our Boys' as anti-Semitic, calls to boycott Israeli co-producer
22:46:13 ◀︎ Hezbollah: Drones that crashed in Beirut were likely flown from Israeli gunboats