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ט' באדר התש"פ
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00:37:05 ◀︎ Israel’s identity can’t be left to the politicians
01:50:48 ◀︎ Group attends AIPAC conference after being 'potentially in contact' with coronavirus patient
02:05:32 ◀︎ Syria intercepts Israeli missiles over southwest countryside, state media reports
02:59:48 ◀︎ For a ‘removal government’
03:04:19 ◀︎ In Israel, Zionism is a religion, and it is mandatory
03:34:59 ◀︎ Arab voters rebuke Netanyahu and Gantz, send message that they want in the political game
05:00:19 ◀︎ This Israeli is making America’s classrooms safe from active shooters
07:22:26 ◀︎ Israel election results: To pressure Netanyahu, Gantz's party pushes bill to stop him from forming government
08:18:46 ◀︎ Israeli strike on central, southern Syria intercepted, state media reports
09:35:39 ◀︎ Israel demolishes homes of two Palestinian suspects in West Bank murder of Jewish teen
10:49:55 ◀︎ Biggest ivory workshop in ancient world discovered in Pakistan
10:54:27 ◀︎ Israel election results: With one stroke of the pen, Netanyahu writes off half a million Israelis
11:17:09 ◀︎ Turkey: Brawl erupts in parliament after MP criticizes Erdogan over soldier death toll in Syria
11:31:53 ◀︎ Coronavirus in Israel: Quarantine ordered for arrivals from Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, and Austria
12:08:11 ◀︎ Airline hub UAE tells residents not to travel over virus
12:14:58 ◀︎ Turkey deploys 1,000 police at Greek border to stem pushback of migrants
12:55:58 ◀︎ Neo-Nazis, rape and humiliation: The Russian art project that got out of hand
13:02:44 ◀︎ Sanders refocusing his campaign after Biden’s super Tuesday
13:27:19 ◀︎ Erdogan flies to Moscow for Syria ceasefire talks with Putin as carnage continues in Idlib
13:58:58 ◀︎ U.S. military, Taliban can be investigated for war crimes in Afghanistan, rules International Criminal Court
15:39:33 ◀︎ Iran says IAEA case for inspecting sites based on fake Israeli intelligence
15:56:32 ◀︎ Dr. Bibi’s coronavirus vaccine could kill the patient
16:12:28 ◀︎ Namaste, Israel: Coronavirus spurs unique response (and warning from rabbis)
17:18:19 ◀︎ Israeli election: How I (literally) joined the drive to get out the Bedouin vote
17:46:24 ◀︎ Elizabeth Warren dropping out of presidential race
17:54:11 ◀︎ Monkey business at Banksy's Bethlehem hotel masks coronavirus fears
17:57:35 ◀︎ Schumer walks back controversial Supreme Court comments
18:23:41 ◀︎ After Biden's comeback, Sanders' chances of victory now likely hinge on one state
19:07:41 ◀︎ Nine killed in Gaza as bakery fire spreads through packed market
19:08:49 ◀︎ Netanyahu tries to lure lawmakers to defect in hunt for 61 seats
19:19:05 ◀︎ Israeli police shoot sponge-tipped bullets at two Palestinian boys in East Jerusalem
19:24:42 ◀︎ Princess Sheikha Latifa's failed escape to freedom
19:30:22 ◀︎ Putin says reached Syria cease-fire with Turkey's Erdogan
20:45:00 ◀︎ '42 knees in one day': Israeli snipers open up about shooting Gaza protesters
21:43:07 ◀︎ Refugees from the Zionist left: How the Jewish vote for Arab party spiked in Israel's election
21:58:02 ◀︎ To stay younger for longer, make this change to your diet
21:58:02 ◀︎ Apple, Samsung among tech giants using coerced Uighur labor for electronics
22:08:16 ◀︎ Netanyahu's worldview? All means sanctify the pursuit of power
22:13:54 ◀︎ Israeli, Palestinian officials discuss joint efforts to counter coronavirus
22:25:16 ◀︎ Gazan girl fighting cancer died after Israel denied her parents' visit. She won't be the last
22:42:16 ◀︎ Israeli election breakdown: Where Netanyahu got a quarter of a million votes from
23:36:54 ◀︎ The postnatal fear: Everyone is replaceable, especially mothers