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י' באייר התש"פ
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00:23:08 ◀︎ Will the coronavirus lockdown fatally weaken American Jewish life?
02:01:24 ◀︎ Netanyahu is 'confident' in his annexation plan. Experts outline his next steps
02:25:01 ◀︎ Netanyahu: We can learn from America’s coronavirus business relief funding
02:45:28 ◀︎ Venezuela says it foiled boat attack by 'mercenaries' on main port city
03:02:14 ◀︎ Study: Coronavirus will have hard time surviving on surfaces in summer
03:11:17 ◀︎ The time has come for Israel's top court decision, too bad it wasn't made before
03:13:31 ◀︎ At Israel's top court, two contradictory days of testimony
03:40:28 ◀︎ Pompeo: 'Significant' evidence coronavirus emerged from Chinese lab
04:43:20 ◀︎ The High Court, Israel's last line of defense
04:43:20 ◀︎ In the shadow of coronavirus lurks a plague that kills off women
04:46:41 ◀︎ An F for reopening schools
04:52:21 ◀︎ Haaretz cartoon
06:04:37 ◀︎ Israel's treasury has a coronavirus exit plan health officials may actually accept
09:22:33 ◀︎ Israel's top court hears petitions contesting Netanyahu-Gantz coalition agreement
10:16:46 ◀︎ Looking at the mikveh half full: Religious freedom advocates see upside in new Gantz-Netanyahu government
10:49:45 ◀︎ Genesis Prize winner to donate proceeds to fight coronavirus
11:06:44 ◀︎ Netflix’s ‘The Half of It,’ ‘Planet of the Humans’ and 3 other films you should be watching right now
11:07:51 ◀︎ 'Arbeit macht frei': Nazi slogans show up at Illinois rally protesting coronavirus lockdown
11:07:51 ◀︎ Trump criticizes Bush after message urging unity amid coronavirus
11:23:52 ◀︎ Netanayhu seeks legislation to extend Shin Bet tracking of potential coronavirus patients
11:52:13 ◀︎ Vienna Airport to offer coronavirus tests to avoid quarantine
11:57:48 ◀︎ South Korea lays out coronavirus protocols for reopening schools
12:35:26 ◀︎ Iran says U.S. push to extend Tehran's arms embargo is 'illegitimate'
12:41:05 ◀︎ Iran reportedly approves plan to rename, cut four zeros from falling currency
13:17:43 ◀︎ Coronavirus unmasks Donald Trump’s plot against America
14:23:38 ◀︎ Bennett approves changes at Cave of Patriarchs in violation of Oslo accords
14:23:38 ◀︎ Israel's largest bank reaches $875 million settlement in U.S. tax probe
14:30:37 ◀︎ Israel after coronavirus: Cutting back may be painful but it's good for us
14:30:37 ◀︎ Israel after coronavirus: A once-in-200-years opportunity for feminism?
15:10:43 ◀︎ Israel after coronavirus: One crisis, one state – and that includes the Palestinians
15:43:30 ◀︎ Woman murdered in central Israel in suspected case of domestic violence
15:45:48 ◀︎ Trump on Fox News pushes reopening while upping virus death projection
16:07:22 ◀︎ Italy joins Israel, Spain and others in exiting lockdown, but fears of 'second wave' remain
16:07:22 ◀︎ Watchdog highlights major flaws in Israel’s foreign policy, but not a word about Netanyahu
17:11:59 ◀︎ Israeli army brings down curtain on dancers after viral video clip
17:29:03 ◀︎ Michigan governor slams swastikas and nooses at coronavirus lockdown protest
17:29:03 ◀︎ The pro-Erdogan purge changing the face of Turkey's judicial system
18:04:17 ◀︎ Seniors’ moment: The Jewish demographic Biden needs to take from Trump
18:07:43 ◀︎ Hard-to-count Arab Americans urged to prioritize census
18:59:06 ◀︎ NRA cutting staff and salaries amid coronavirus pandemic
18:59:06 ◀︎ Broadcasting ‘the gospel of Jesus Christ’ in Hebrew: Israel green lights new evangelical TV channel
21:31:32 ◀︎ 'The gospel of Jesus Christ’ in Hebrew: Israel green lights new evangelical GOD TV channel
22:09:15 ◀︎ From ultra-Orthodox to BDS: Where N.Y.C. Mayor de Blasio stands on Jewish issues
22:53:27 ◀︎ Netanyahu: Court's intervention in deal with Gantz could lead to fourth election
23:25:15 ◀︎ Syrian air defenses thwart 'Israeli missile attack' in Aleppo, state media reports