צפיות בכותרות
ב' בסיוון התש"פ
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00:06:41 ◀︎ Netanyahu says he will 'under no circumstances' take a plea bargain
00:24:55 ◀︎ Moscow on the Jordan: Russia eyes Palestinian Authority as U.S. relations falter
00:44:28 ◀︎ As coronavirus recedes, Israel's senior citizens’ day centers to reopen
02:57:51 ◀︎ Time to keep your word to Ethiopian Jews, Netanyahu
03:21:44 ◀︎ If only the world would force Israel’s hand
04:03:03 ◀︎ The coronavirus lockdown is over, but perilous economic uncertainty lingers
04:36:40 ◀︎ Remote work proves big money-saver for businesses
06:02:08 ◀︎ Netanyahu the defendent serves notice on his judges: You’re next
06:02:08 ◀︎ Netanyahu’s supporters dare the court
06:04:25 ◀︎ The country held hostage
11:17:57 ◀︎ Greece reopens in a bid to save its tourism season from the coronavirus
11:17:57 ◀︎ Pro-Israel Jews won't stop voting for Trump. Even when he promotes anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers
11:26:53 ◀︎ Israeli soldiers fire at two Palestinians after attempted stabbing in West Bank, army says
11:44:25 ◀︎ Did our drumming contribute to beating the Neanderthals?
11:44:25 ◀︎ Trump slaps travel ban on Brazil amid worsening coronavirus outbreak
11:52:26 ◀︎ LISTEN: Bibi’s slash-and-burn strategy puts Israel on trial
12:08:27 ◀︎ Trump admin warns Los Angeles stay-at-home extension could be illegal
13:24:19 ◀︎ Israeli boy finds tablet immortalizing victorious Canaanite and his naked captive
14:01:58 ◀︎ Israel police arrest 57 in major drug and arms raid, including crime family heads
15:02:44 ◀︎ ‘We’re reopening the club, despite that imaginary virus’
15:15:14 ◀︎ Grounded: How coronavirus decimated Israel-U.S. flights
15:51:47 ◀︎ Northern drift: What happened to a thriving border town after Israel withdrew from Lebanon
16:23:48 ◀︎ Slowly, surely, U.S. houses of worship emerge from lockdown
16:51:07 ◀︎ 'It will destroy us': GOP rep. and veteran urges Trump to stop spreading Scarborough conspiracy
17:03:40 ◀︎ Memorial Day weekend draws crowds and triggers warnings across the U.S.
18:00:57 ◀︎ Netanyahu tells lawmakers he stands by July target date to launch West Bank annexation
18:13:36 ◀︎ Palestinian shot after attempted stabbing attack, Jerusalem police say
19:00:30 ◀︎ Israel's despondent center-left impotent against Netanyahu’s masked mutiny
19:06:14 ◀︎ What Netanyahu had done during his investigations is even worse than the actual charges
19:27:10 ◀︎ Amid growing public pressure, Palestinian Authority set to lift coronavirus restrictions
21:24:36 ◀︎ Embracing anti-asylum seeker activist, Minister Ohana also embraces abuse of the weak
21:24:36 ◀︎ For the radical left, Gantz is to blame for everything. But he won, and Netanyahu lost
22:00:04 ◀︎ Israel's top court halts home demolition of Palestinian accused of killing soldier
22:42:32 ◀︎ Shin Bet changed security protocol for Netanyahu’s first day in court – and didn’t tell court guards
22:44:51 ◀︎ For 12 years they waited for this moment, and then the coronavirus spoiled it
23:09:54 ◀︎ Erdogan vows to defend Palestinians against Israel's 'annexation project' in holiday message to U.S. Muslims
23:19:04 ◀︎ Hysteria and scientific errors: Why everyone was wrong about coronavirus in Israel