צפיות בכותרות
כ"א בתמוז התש"פ
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
00:29:09 ◀︎ Supply shortages curtail Israel's coronavirus testing
02:15:10 ◀︎ Israel must be ready to live with virus for another year, finance minister says
03:55:29 ◀︎ Return the money, Netanyahu
05:57:36 ◀︎ Where are all the Arab billionaires?
06:04:30 ◀︎ First coronavirus wave hit Jerusalem's ultra-Orthodox, second wave hit whole city
06:04:30 ◀︎ Israel's rate of infection poses new dilemma: If and when to shut down parts of economy
06:04:30 ◀︎ Matriculation exam results bring relief and joy to Palestinian 12th-graders
06:19:19 ◀︎ Israeli education minister has yet to take off his military uniform
06:26:07 ◀︎ Israel's coronavirus generation, alone in its misery
06:45:29 ◀︎ Israel's central bank chief backs new coronavirus economic aid plan
09:10:00 ◀︎ LISTEN: Protests, pandemics and Netanyahu's day of reckoning
09:25:46 ◀︎ For second day in a row, Jerusalem police tear down anti-Netanyahu protest camp
10:36:43 ◀︎ Poland's incumbent, Trump ally Duda wins presidential election with most votes in
10:59:12 ◀︎ The French monk who took on himself to be a bridge in a divided land
11:01:29 ◀︎ New York City reports zero COVID-19 deaths in first since pandemic hit
11:16:17 ◀︎ Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis say they hit Saudi oil facility in drone, missile attack
11:45:00 ◀︎ Trump's global media chief, a former Bannon associate, plows ahead with controversial changes
11:54:04 ◀︎ Four months into coronavirus outbreak in Israel, Health Ministry formally defines 'seriously ill'
11:54:04 ◀︎ Israel’s Fauda vs Turkey’s Ertugrul: In India, the battle between two hit TV series is more than a culture war
12:04:24 ◀︎ A little startup that could: Aquarius builds an engine others only dreamed of
14:54:21 ◀︎ How I ended up staying at an isolation hotel in a ‘Jerusalem settlement’
14:54:21 ◀︎ Israeli court rejects request to revoke spyware firm NSO's export license
14:54:21 ◀︎ When Israel opposed sex segregation at the Western Wall
14:54:21 ◀︎ Peter Beinart doesn't go far enough
15:10:15 ◀︎ Bahrain top court upholds death sentences against two activists
15:31:50 ◀︎ Accusations of serial assault spark new #MeToo wave in Egypt
16:28:53 ◀︎ White supremacists trigger Twitterstorm by using #JewishPrivilege hashtag to bait Jews
17:06:27 ◀︎ Trump retweets claim the CDC is lying about COVID-19 to meddle in the election
17:36:14 ◀︎ China is winning the Middle East and Trump is helping it
17:40:49 ◀︎ Coronavirus survivors in Israel find that life is still hell two months later
19:15:59 ◀︎ This noted Arab-Israeli MK blames Israel's 'so-called left' for the occupation
20:19:55 ◀︎ Israel Police say no security camera footage in shooting of autistic Palestinian
20:40:43 ◀︎ Soros to donate $220 million to American racial justice groups
22:00:48 ◀︎ Israel advancing four power plants expected to dangerously pollute air, groundwater
22:04:16 ◀︎ Hand axe made 1.4 million years ago shows unexpected sophistication
22:15:37 ◀︎ Tel Aviv fined 750 businesses over coronavirus regulations, Jerusalem fined none
23:36:55 ◀︎ Over 1,000 Israeli social workers protest in J'lm over poor employment conditions
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 18:46 19:59
תל אביב 19:01 20:01
חיפה 18:53 20:02
באר שבע 19:03 20:00