צפיות בכותרות
י"א בתשרי התשפ"א
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
00:20:15 ◀︎ Strong against weak women
01:09:26 ◀︎ The Bibi-ist cult is detaching itself from much of the right, and from reality
01:53:27 ◀︎ Beware the UAE’s financial corruption
02:23:48 ◀︎ Israeli reservists say coronavirus crisis commanders fail to wear masks or socially distance
04:01:23 ◀︎ COVID-19 spike pushing Israeli hospitals to the limit, report details
04:38:51 ◀︎ Why are Haredim hated and envied?
05:44:44 ◀︎ The killing of the terrorist with nine lives changed the course of the second intifada
11:31:21 ◀︎ Is Trump's $400 million of personal debt a national security threat to the U.S.?
11:45:02 ◀︎ In ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem, Yom Kippur was stronger than the virus
11:47:19 ◀︎ Montreal restrictions tighten, as Ontario warns of 'more complex' second wave of COVID-19
11:58:33 ◀︎ Nine in ten recovered COVID-19 patients experience side-effects, study finds
12:04:15 ◀︎ Israel coronavirus mortality rate surpasses U.S. for first time since pandemic began
12:22:31 ◀︎ Police: Friend convinced Trump ex-campaign boss to surrender
13:14:44 ◀︎ Renowned Jewish historian: Stop using the term ‘Antisemitism’
13:29:33 ◀︎ Turkey deploying Syrian fighters to help ally Azerbaijan, two fighters say
13:43:15 ◀︎ Why do Google and Apple maps recognize illegal Israeli settlements, but not Palestine?
13:58:30 ◀︎ Puzzled scientists seek reasons behind Africa's low fatality rates from pandemic
14:09:38 ◀︎ How the Emirates' dark financial corruption threatens Israel-UAE peace bonanza
14:15:21 ◀︎ UAE to launch unmanned mission to the moon by 2024
15:03:56 ◀︎ Tens of thousands of yeshiva students sent home without coronavirus test results
15:19:48 ◀︎ Three protesters arrested outside Knesset as lawmakers set to vote on curbing demonstrations
15:37:56 ◀︎ Serious COVID-19 cases in Israel top 800, upper limit set by Health Ministry
16:34:22 ◀︎ How Democrats could take back the Senate – and what it would mean for Israel
17:24:47 ◀︎ Kuwaiti ruler Sheikh Sabah has died at 91, state television reports
17:24:47 ◀︎ Trump, Biden prepare to debate at a time of mounting crises
17:24:47 ◀︎ Kuwait emir who struggled for Gulf unity dies at 91
18:11:38 ◀︎ Humans reached Portugal 5,000 years earlier than thought
18:24:12 ◀︎ The only debate moderator to return, Fox’s Wallace preps
18:24:12 ◀︎ PODCAST: Netanyahu's sacrifice keeps Israel in lockdown limbo
18:36:35 ◀︎ Did James Baker really say ‘F*** the Jews’? New book clarifies U.S. diplomat’s infamous quote
18:57:56 ◀︎ A painful and joyous journey through the histories, languages and cultures of Jaffa
18:59:04 ◀︎ Netanyahu reveals 'secret Hezbollah missile depot' in Beirut residential area
20:14:14 ◀︎ Orthodox church petitions UN over Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia
20:51:29 ◀︎ Turkey denies 'propaganda' reports of sending Syrian fighters to help ally Azerbaijan
21:23:32 ◀︎ Crown prince becomes oil-rich Kuwait's new ruling emir
21:26:56 ◀︎ Some 700,000 children in Syria risk hunger, aid group warns
22:28:18 ◀︎ Israel's attorney general not ruling out declaring Netanyahu incapacitated over abuse of office
23:11:26 ◀︎ Anti-Catholic attacks on Amy Coney Barrett are dangerous for Jews
23:22:54 ◀︎ Haaretz cartoon
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:04 20:17
תל אביב 19:20 20:19
חיפה 19:13 20:21
באר שבע 19:21 20:18