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ט' בחשוון התשפ"א
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00:49:04 ◀︎ U.S. judge refuses to block 'No Boycott of Israel' measure
01:22:06 ◀︎ Big brother, special coronavirus edition
02:22:07 ◀︎ Barrett confirmed as Supreme Court justice in partisan vote
02:54:01 ◀︎ Iran's Zarif urges UN to unite against U.S. unilateral actions
06:42:34 ◀︎ 'A shande': Liberal Jewish organizations slam Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation
08:46:13 ◀︎ Haredi hijack of ‘Jewish parliament’ foiled. Plus: Borat's Jewish Nobel?
10:27:44 ◀︎ Palestinian man arrested in Israel with loaded pistol, charged with plotting terror attack
11:28:46 ◀︎ Saudi Arabia, Iran condemn France over cartoons of Prophet Mohammed
11:47:12 ◀︎ Heroic Jewish Brigade fighter who downed Egyptian plane in 1949 dies of coronavirus at 95
11:48:20 ◀︎ 'Trump encourages it': Pittsburgh Jews still fear far-right violence, two years after massacre
12:07:35 ◀︎ Heroic Jewish Brigade fighter who downed Egyptian plane in 1948 dies of coronavirus at 95
12:16:42 ◀︎ Israeli high court hears petition against Gantz’s alternate prime minister role
12:40:28 ◀︎ Russia strike kills over 50 Turkey-backed fighters in Syria, reports say
12:51:53 ◀︎ Biden goes on offense in Georgia while Trump plays defense in the Midwest
13:12:25 ◀︎ Coronavirus deaths are rising again in the U.S., as feared
13:25:59 ◀︎ At a Long Island ‘Jews for Trump’ rally, Orthodox Jewry’s political contradictions take center stage
14:02:04 ◀︎ Gantz: 'Positive voices' in Lebanon speaking of peace with Israel
14:13:27 ◀︎ How hominins predating humankind doomed the Crusaders at the Battle of Hattin
14:33:41 ◀︎ 'Lockdowns work': Israel taps ex-chief military doctor as new coronavirus czar
18:07:11 ◀︎ Israel, Lebanon to resume U.S.-mediated talks over disputed maritime border
18:26:33 ◀︎ Can Trump call in troops to quell Election Day unrest?
18:26:33 ◀︎ ‘Iranian’ meddling in U.S. election shows new skills. But is it really Iran?
18:33:20 ◀︎ UN watchdog confirms Iran starts building at underground nuclear facility
18:43:31 ◀︎ Israel strips East Jerusalem cancer patient of insurance, claiming he lives in the West Bank
18:49:13 ◀︎ Palestinian farmer accuses West Bank settlers of cutting down 100 olive trees
18:59:21 ◀︎ Turkey-backed Syria fighters retaliate for deadly airstrike
18:59:21 ◀︎ IN PHOTOS: Art meets nature in Jerusalem
19:35:39 ◀︎ As coronavirus cools defense spending, Israeli firm Elbit underperforms Nasdaq
19:49:05 ◀︎ Bloomberg is reportedly funding late Biden push in Texas, Ohio
20:21:32 ◀︎ France warns citizens to be cautious as anger seethes in Muslim world over cartoons
21:12:51 ◀︎ 'It doesn't matter': Likud lawmaker defends citing fake post vilifying anti-Netanyahu protesters
21:21:51 ◀︎ With Sudan normalization, what would happen to Darfuri refugees in Israel?
21:39:54 ◀︎ Trump says 'we have 10' countries waiting to join Israeli-Arab deals after U.S. election
21:58:00 ◀︎ Israel's attorney general to indict former Minister Haim Katz for tax offenses
22:09:23 ◀︎ Joe Biden: Two years after the Tree of Life shooting, the world feels dark. We must be the light
22:42:17 ◀︎ Trump supporters rally outside U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem
22:42:17 ◀︎ Israel to prosecute pipeline company officials over disastrous 2014 oil spill
23:03:54 ◀︎ Jerusalem turning over most municipal properties to ultra-Orthodox groups
23:16:24 ◀︎ Haaretz cartoon
23:23:11 ◀︎ Israeli High Court's ruling on Palestinian hunger striker is no surprise
23:23:11 ◀︎ How to prevent the next Israeli museum from having to sell off its collection
23:23:11 ◀︎ While coronavirus cabinet rules Israel, what are the other ministers doing?
23:23:11 ◀︎ What's behind Israeli-Arab peace agreements, and what do they mean for the Palestinians?
23:34:36 ◀︎ Israel needs a different state comptroller
23:56:07 ◀︎ Israeli nightlife venues, event halls collapsing under debt and coronavirus uncertainty
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27