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כ"ט באדר התשפ"א
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00:03:38 ◀︎ 13 U.S. lawmakers call on Biden to change approach toward Israel, Palestinians
01:09:18 ◀︎ U.S. Senators to Blinken: Push Israel to 'do more to help Palestinians' with COVID vaccines
09:05:26 ◀︎ New Zealand marks 2 years since Christchurch mosque massacre
10:40:34 ◀︎ Jordan confirms stalling flight approval for Netanyahu's nixed UAE visit
11:57:03 ◀︎ Settlers filmed attacking Palestinian family in the West Bank
14:05:14 ◀︎ Jordan's health minister resigns after hospital oxygen shortage kills six COVID patients
16:54:27 ◀︎ Iranian investigator says Israel likely behind attack on container ship
17:16:18 ◀︎ Iranian investigator says Israel likely behind Mediterranean attack on container ship
17:42:06 ◀︎ After bankrolling son’s purchase of El Al, Kenny Rozenberg makes move to take over
17:51:06 ◀︎ Russian flour, Kurdish fuel, Turkish power: Assad may control Syria, but not its economy
18:02:25 ◀︎ Palestinian Authority announces five-day coronavirus lockdown in the West Bank
18:28:34 ◀︎ Palestinians, Arab League condemn opening of Czech diplomatic office in Jerusalem
18:50:26 ◀︎ 10 days before Israel's election, anti-Netanyahu protesters march for 38th week in a row
19:16:46 ◀︎ Migrants demand international probe into deadly Yemen fire
20:29:39 ◀︎ Israel's reported attacks on Iranian tankers expose it to greater risks
20:46:58 ◀︎ Netanyahu plays down diplomatic spat with Jordan: 'They need good relations with us'
21:02:08 ◀︎ Months after 'anti-Israel' cyberattack, hacker group hits another Israeli firm
21:44:42 ◀︎ Israel is headed for yet another rotation government
21:44:42 ◀︎ Let electoral nature take its course, even if it means some Israeli parties need to die
21:49:15 ◀︎ Its gatekeepers failed, and the Israeli art world may be left to the mercy of Qatari cash
22:52:02 ◀︎ Labor leader launched a 'pink-collar revolution,' and it seems to be working for her
23:41:16 ◀︎ Israeli prosecutors to reexamine indictment in COVID quarantine hotel rape case
23:43:33 ◀︎ All together now: The Israeli army committed no war crimes
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27