צפיות בכותרות
ב' באלול התשפ"א
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00:02:02 ◀︎ Chinese cyberattack targeted dozens of Israeli public and private organizations
02:34:24 ◀︎ Palestinian woman shot during attempted stabbing of soldier in West Bank, Israeli army says
06:10:28 ◀︎ A third of Israeli Arabs have yet to be vaccinated against COVID
06:19:24 ◀︎ IDF Chief of Staff asks senior officers to reduce shootings of Palestinians
10:08:39 ◀︎ Over 6,000 new cases: Israel hits seven-month high in COVID infections
10:30:36 ◀︎ CIA chief to visit Israel, West Bank, report says
11:34:59 ◀︎ Despite scorching heatwave, Israel illegally allowed live cattle shipments
11:34:59 ◀︎ ‘Women Who Work’: Taking an uncensored look at prostitution in NYC exhibition
11:34:59 ◀︎ COVID-19 booster shot has similar side effects to second, Israeli survey finds
11:40:23 ◀︎ Iran: Two women hit by a car for not wearing head coverings
12:30:41 ◀︎ No, Palestinian textbooks are not antisemitic
12:55:33 ◀︎ Minoans saw wheat as classy and lentils as plebeian fare, archaeologists deduce
13:57:53 ◀︎ A special court for sex crimes? These political leaders say it's time Israel had one
14:13:17 ◀︎ Israeli police to step up enforcing mask regulations as COVID cases surge
14:42:37 ◀︎ Raising the price of pita proves too thorny an issue for Egypt’s president
15:02:05 ◀︎ Israel vaccine data: How many have already been inoculated for COVID
15:07:24 ◀︎ Israel's unprecedented program to safely open schools despite delta outbreak
15:17:13 ◀︎ Wix teams up with Wolt to arm small websites with the one thing they’re missing
16:21:19 ◀︎ WeWork was taking over the world. Then it all collapsed
17:01:15 ◀︎ Explosion rocks tanker docked at Syrian port city, two lightly injured, reports say
17:26:19 ◀︎ Lebanon's president defends patriarch under fire for urging halt to Hezbollah rockets
17:46:25 ◀︎ ICC prosecutor urges Sudan to take 'practical steps' to get justice for Darfur victims
17:50:42 ◀︎ In Dubai, Filipina comedian pulls no punches in jokes on Mideast life
18:05:50 ◀︎ Israel predicts half of new COVID cases will be in children by the time school year begins
18:15:57 ◀︎ Not a fact-finding mission: CIA chief is coming to tell Israel what Biden wants
18:54:35 ◀︎ For over 20,000 years, Neanderthals spat paint on this stalagmite
19:04:30 ◀︎ Israel's Lapid expected in Morocco on Wednesday in first high-level visit since normalization deal
19:29:08 ◀︎ New York Governor Cuomo resigns after sexual harassment findings
19:46:36 ◀︎ U.S. official says Oman ship attack originated in Yemen, warns of further attacks by Houthis
21:26:27 ◀︎ Man shot dead in Israel's sixth suspected murder in a week; 68th Arab victim this year
21:47:17 ◀︎ The reckless can’t complain about COVID restrictions
21:51:41 ◀︎ Some Israeli prime ministers retire with dignity, others leave scorched earth behind
22:17:03 ◀︎ Algeria blames forest fires on arson, death toll rises to 24
23:12:03 ◀︎ Israeli leaders, 'trying to avoid lockdown' isn't enough
23:12:03 ◀︎ How many dead Palestinians is too many?
23:12:03 ◀︎ To deter trigger-happy soldiers, Israel must exact a price for unjustified killings
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27