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י"ד בשבט התשפ"ב
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
02:14:02 ◀︎ Getting rid of Netanyahu at all costs
05:04:24 ◀︎ Israel's bill to preserve Jewish demographic supremacy
05:09:57 ◀︎ Remove this art looter's name from Israel Museum walls
06:49:40 ◀︎ Israeli military exploits heroism culture to evade accountability over friendly-fire deaths
06:59:55 ◀︎ Hundreds protest against Netanyahu plea deal outside Attorney General's home
08:34:21 ◀︎ All hostages released unharmed after Texas synagogue standoff, captor dead
09:03:38 ◀︎ Michael Steinhardt is an art looter. Remove his name from the Israel Museum
09:49:57 ◀︎ Texas synagogue attack 'undermines efforts' to free U.S. prisoner, Muslim leader says
10:15:01 ◀︎ Four vaccines a year: Is this how Israel will go on coping with COVID?
10:20:42 ◀︎ 'His entire persona is listening and dialogue': Meet the Texas rabbi held hostage
10:26:17 ◀︎ Watching livestream, Colleyville cantor heard rabbi try to make peace with his captor
12:10:14 ◀︎ Netanyahu brought in ex-Supreme Court president to broker plea deal
12:25:56 ◀︎ Israeli physicists create thought-provoking model for material that never melts
12:34:59 ◀︎ Israel in 'eye of the storm,' Bennett says as COVID quarantines burden hospitals, schools
12:40:36 ◀︎ As Texas synagogue hostage crisis unfolded, Jews turned to prayers meant for facing danger
12:52:47 ◀︎ Jordanian army officer killed in shootout with drug smugglers on Syria border
12:57:16 ◀︎ Bedouin leaders urge unity, non-violence as talks on JNF Negev project continue
13:47:45 ◀︎ Rain floods central Israel, first responders rescue stranded motorists
13:58:58 ◀︎ Everybody asks, what does Putin want? We think we have an answer
14:23:39 ◀︎ Putin to host Iran's Raisi next week as Russia hopes to salvage nuclear deal
15:48:02 ◀︎ Israeli femtech firm hopes to revolutionize market with new smart tampon
16:23:47 ◀︎ This filmmaker dares to question the figure of 6 million Jewish victims in WWII
16:48:33 ◀︎ It’s un-Jewish to be too optimistic. But in Israel, there’s now faint cause for hope
16:58:41 ◀︎ Israeli military, intel agencies to enlist high schoolers for elite weapon development program
17:34:38 ◀︎ Paying the real price of living in the most expensive city in the world
17:59:15 ◀︎ Rushing to ink Netanyahu plea deal, can anyone stop Israel's attorney general?
18:19:28 ◀︎ Jewish leaders decry claims Texas synagogue hostage situation wasn't motivated by antisemitism
18:48:44 ◀︎ ‘Puzzling’: Israel approves $35 million for Orthodox activities at Western Wall, not a cent for egalitarian space
19:03:23 ◀︎ Netanyahu associates examine if he could remain Likud leader under plea deal
20:03:04 ◀︎ Texas synagogue attack: even in the age of Zoom and COVID, U.S. Jews must still fund security
20:08:44 ◀︎ When you’re too old to watch teen dramas like ‘Euphoria’
20:13:15 ◀︎ Biden calls Texas synagogue hostage situation 'act of terror'; FBI identifies British assailant
22:06:16 ◀︎ Israel's High Court rejects petition against Dery plea bargain
22:15:16 ◀︎ Israeli Ministers advance stricter version of controversial citizenship law
22:25:24 ◀︎ 'Slim' chances to reach Netanyahu plea deal before attorney general retires