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כ' באדר התשפ"ב
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00:56:22 ◀︎ The cost of supporting Ukraine may be paid in Syria
01:51:35 ◀︎ When evil greets me on Israel's streets, I now answer politely
03:44:32 ◀︎ U.S. officials say Russia has ordered preparations for Ukraine invasion
05:07:25 ◀︎ When Israel's right wing serves the left
05:09:37 ◀︎ The Iran nuclear deal isn’t a threat, and Israel must find a new approach
05:59:37 ◀︎ Lottery chief tried to get TV execs to axe show on Israel's ex-Mossad chief Yossi Cohen
05:59:37 ◀︎ Liberals expected to get two out of four Israeli Supreme Court appointments
05:59:37 ◀︎ Jerusalem church leaders slam plan to expand national park abutting Old City
07:09:49 ◀︎ Haaretz cartoon
11:04:54 ◀︎ Iran confirms significant progress toward nuke deal, ready to talk to Saudis
11:24:54 ◀︎ Tempting 'Uzi': How Mossad tried to recruit Egyptian president's closest confidante
11:55:04 ◀︎ With Iran Nuke Deal Close, Israel banks on muscle-flexing on Capitol Hill
12:10:43 ◀︎ 'I feel anger': This Ukrainian woman is training for a war with Russia
13:26:40 ◀︎ Israel arrests 13 Palestinians in nighttime raid in East Jerusalem
13:32:15 ◀︎ Israeli officials change tune on Ukraine crisis, say they'll side with Biden
13:36:42 ◀︎ Bernie Madoff's sister and her husband found dead in apparent suicide
14:40:21 ◀︎ Jordanians call to ban 'Death on the Nile' over Israeli star Gal Gadot's role
15:23:54 ◀︎ Israel’s Pegasus scandal looked like the scoop of the decade. So where’s the proof?
15:23:54 ◀︎ Russia says it prevented border breach from Ukraine, Kyiv calls it fake news
15:33:57 ◀︎ Israel 'successfully' tests sea-based missile defense system
16:24:10 ◀︎ Israel’s sovereign wealth fund grapples with a burning problem
16:29:45 ◀︎ Lead ingots on ship that sank off Canaan 3,200 years ago came from far, far away
17:44:51 ◀︎ Israel’s Iran policy: From 2015 to 2022, déjà vu all over again
17:54:59 ◀︎ In Pegasus scandal, the newspaper didn’t even try to reach the truth
18:05:09 ◀︎ Putin: Russia should consider recognizing breakaway Ukrainian regions
18:15:11 ◀︎ U.S. ambassador says won't visit settlements, but willing to meet with settlers
19:10:04 ◀︎ Pegasus probe 'exonerates' Israeli police, minister says; force asks to resume spyware use
19:34:54 ◀︎ Israel shuts Kyiv embassy, moves diplomats in Ukraine to western city of Lviv
20:05:19 ◀︎ Project Pegasus group wins journalism award for NSO investigation
20:30:13 ◀︎ Coalition cancels Knesset votes after 'childish' Gantz threatens boycott
21:29:59 ◀︎ U.S. Navy unveils plan for Gulf drone force with Mideast allies, likely to include Israel
21:40:12 ◀︎ Turkish opposition leader says 'very clear' Erdogan rule is nearing its end
22:50:10 ◀︎ Israel confirms 10,000 COVID-related deaths; data shows excess mortality during pandemic
23:16:01 ◀︎ 'Our state is backsliding': A culture war rages in Kuwait over women's rights
23:20:29 ◀︎ Brother of Lebanon's former PM Hariri joins political fray ahead of vote
23:26:08 ◀︎ Israel set to greenlight first PhD program at distance-learning university