צפיות בכותרות
ט"ז באייר התשפ"ב
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01:24:32 ◀︎ Rep. Liz Cheney blames House GOP leadership for enabling antisemitism following Buffalo massacre
01:40:09 ◀︎ Waving the Palestinian flag falls under freedom of expression
06:05:08 ◀︎ Amid efforts to steady coalition, Israel's Nation State Law sharpens tensions
06:05:08 ◀︎ Safety advisor quits as thousands expected at Meron where 45 died last year
08:56:54 ◀︎ Palestinian attempts stabbing Israeli soldier in West Bank; attacker shot
11:07:41 ◀︎ Ukrainian troops evacuate from Mariupol, ceding control to Russia
11:07:41 ◀︎ Why are there millions of 'Jews' on Indian matchmaking websites?
11:12:11 ◀︎ Gunfire heard in Tripoli amid clashes over government power struggle
12:13:58 ◀︎ How many Jews fought at Mariupol's Azovstal plant? Depends who's counting
12:13:58 ◀︎ Israel shoots down Hezbollah drone that crossed over from Lebanon
12:24:06 ◀︎ Israel says Iran has doubled 60% enriched uranium stockpile since March
12:46:33 ◀︎ Hezbollah and allies lose majority in Lebanese parliament
12:56:42 ◀︎ Israel to drop mask mandate on flights starting next week
14:28:42 ◀︎ Fallen arches: McDonald’s didn’t prevent Putin from invading Ukraine after all
14:43:09 ◀︎ A year after Israel's worst civilian disaster, officials nervously eye Meron event
14:43:09 ◀︎ World Zionist Organization to end cooperation with extremists behind Kotel violence
15:08:54 ◀︎ Jerusalem job post for Arabic-speaking students bars 90% of Palestinian applicants
15:33:47 ◀︎ Dozens protest Bennett’s first settlement visit since becoming prime minister
16:51:04 ◀︎ Finland's parliament votes in favor of joining NATO
16:58:54 ◀︎ Archaeologists find unexpected source of stone for King Herod’s bathtubs
17:04:33 ◀︎ Israeli intelligence: Gaza target bank 'very problematic'
17:53:56 ◀︎ In call with Bennett, Macron expresses concern over West Bank settlement expansion
18:19:32 ◀︎ Israel mulls reopening Kyiv embassy
18:29:33 ◀︎ Israeli Wagner fans plan to defy a longstanding unofficial boycott
19:26:24 ◀︎ Iran reportedly opens drone factory in Tajikistan
20:56:41 ◀︎ Israel’s military censor doesn’t want you to know about ex-Mossad chief’s dubious Congo missions
22:08:05 ◀︎ Israel's Health Ministry rejects own report on staff involvement in Yemenite children affair
22:13:39 ◀︎ Israel to permit sperm donation for women denied divorces
22:42:49 ◀︎ When bereavement of in Israel families is politicized
23:08:33 ◀︎ After fall of Mariupol, the most important battle is not in the east
23:32:03 ◀︎ 'Jewish and democratic': A hollow definition
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27