צפיות בכותרות
כ"ב באייר התשפ"ב
▲︎ לוהט
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
02:23:21 ◀︎ A bluff from the start, but we all fell for it
03:04:32 ◀︎ The ‘anyone but Bibi’ war is destroying Israel's left
03:16:53 ◀︎ Rinawie Zoabi, next time, act like Menachem Begin
03:24:41 ◀︎ A warning from the left
09:30:07 ◀︎ Yemenite Children Affair: In first, boy's grave opened for DNA testing
09:40:09 ◀︎ Sponge-tipped bullet didn't kill Palestinian in Al-Aqsa clashes, probe finds
10:39:13 ◀︎ On Harran plain where Adam and Eve fell to Earth, legend reigns
11:35:13 ◀︎ Bennett loses second senior adviser in ten days
11:56:29 ◀︎ Iran's Raisi vows 'blood revenge' over Revolutionary Guards member assassination
12:51:18 ◀︎ Long-lost recordings of Eichmann confessing to the Final solution revealed
13:11:23 ◀︎ Tortured into confession: Two Palestinians recount hellish interrogation
13:50:43 ◀︎ These gay Jewish guys just wed on Israeli prime time TV
15:36:32 ◀︎ Biden's Asia visit is all about preparing for 'the China era'
15:42:06 ◀︎ How one trivial Israeli ruling could ignite the Temple Mount – and beyond
15:56:39 ◀︎ Israel's Supreme Court had 74 interns in the past two years. Only one was Arab
16:02:16 ◀︎ A Pakistani group visited Israel. Then Pakistan erupted
16:59:34 ◀︎ Russian soldier hit with life sentence in first ever Ukraine war crime trial
18:16:57 ◀︎ Nakba Day rally in southern Israel draws mayor's ire
18:47:08 ◀︎ Building collapse kills 5 people, injures dozens in south Iran
19:02:46 ◀︎ In Jerusalem, EU parliament president vows to fight antisemitism
20:23:58 ◀︎ One man is stitching together Israel's impossible government – for now
21:05:32 ◀︎ Israel Police appeal controversial Temple Mount ruling
21:45:56 ◀︎ Israeli government 'optimistic' ahead of political fight over soldiers' bill
22:05:59 ◀︎ Minister allows Ukrainian war refugees to legally work in Israel
22:56:24 ◀︎ Bank of Israel raises interest rate to 0.75 percent, higher than expected
23:16:31 ◀︎ Assassinated Iranian colonel was behind attack on Israeli diplomat in India, report says
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27