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כ"ה באייר התשפ"ג
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06:00:22 ◀︎ After Turkey's pivotal election, Erdogan and his rival brace for a bruising second round
06:03:33 ◀︎ Only 14% of Israeli State Archives files are online, even though most have been scanned
09:58:19 ◀︎ Despite fallout from budget pillage, Israel's ultra-Orthodox leaders can't help themselves
11:36:06 ◀︎ Four Palestinians shot in West Bank clash with Israeli army, Health Ministry says
11:49:05 ◀︎ What my colleague Gideon Levy does repeatedly wrong
11:50:20 ◀︎ Israel's Knesset fast-tracks controversial property tax bill
11:57:29 ◀︎ Compromise talks on Israel's judicial overhaul resume
14:21:24 ◀︎ As Israel's leaders become more extreme, Jerusalem’s Flag Day looms as even bigger threat
14:21:24 ◀︎ Watching the war in Ukraine like never before: ‘I saw people destroyed so quickly’
15:08:52 ◀︎ ‘This isn’t the time to walk away’: Susie Gelman vows to keep fighting for a better Israel
16:41:38 ◀︎ Despite Israeli pleas, most EU states attend UN's Palestinian Nakba event
16:53:11 ◀︎ Giuliani accused of antisemitic remarks about Jews’ genitalia and sexual assault
16:58:02 ◀︎ Returning to the Arab fold, Syria's Assad invited to UAE-hosted COP28 climate
17:07:37 ◀︎ Israel's chief economist warns gov't revenues to fall under target in 2023 and 2024
17:17:09 ◀︎ Ukraine says it shot down 6 Russian superweapon missiles
17:43:20 ◀︎ Elon Musk bashes George Soros in tweet saying he 'hates humanity'
18:41:53 ◀︎ Reading, writing skills of Israeli 4th graders fell drastically during COVID-19
19:01:00 ◀︎ Home to an ‘extremist’ yeshiva, a quiet Tel Aviv neighborhood turns into a battleground
19:04:41 ◀︎ Jewish groups slam Gosar after staffers revealed as followers of white supremacist
19:22:06 ◀︎ Security breaches at Ben-Gurion airport could allow terrorists into Israel
19:43:33 ◀︎ Desperate for normality, Israelis find solace in an unusual whiskered tourist
20:19:25 ◀︎ Ayman Odeh, leader of Arab Jewish party, says he won't run for next Knesset term
21:45:10 ◀︎ Israel's coalition offers millions for any MK who votes in favor of state budget bill
21:59:57 ◀︎ LISTEN: 'When Trump said: F**k Bibi, it wasn't a slip of the tongue'
22:06:44 ◀︎ Israeli soldier indicted for causing death by negligence to two commanders
22:49:41 ◀︎ Palestinian perpetrators of Elad terror attack sentenced to life in prison
23:13:33 ◀︎ Israel's Foreign Ministry slams Musk's tweet of having 'antisemitic feeling to it'
23:13:33 ◀︎ Can we recognize Hamas already?
23:15:57 ◀︎ The settler terrorists in Palestinian vineyards
23:40:15 ◀︎ Israel is flunking school
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27