צפיות בכותרות
י"ז באדר התשפ"ד
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
00:14:25 ◀︎ Hezbollah needs a hostage deal to dictate its policies in Lebanon
00:31:04 ◀︎ Israel police must not become Ben-Gvir's private militia
00:34:24 ◀︎ Netflix needs new heroes: Israel's 'Fauda' glorifies killing Palestinians
05:51:22 ◀︎ Israeli team to head to Qatar for talks after U.S. says 'basic contours' for hostage deal reached
05:58:57 ◀︎ As Israel waits for Hamas response, Netanyahu hardens his stance again
11:20:43 ◀︎ Israel's High Court hears draft law petitions as protesters call for equal army service
11:57:32 ◀︎ Gaza and Israel, a new word association game
12:12:54 ◀︎ Bans, backlash and sales: Books on Israel and Palestine are flying off the shelves
14:12:26 ◀︎ By canceling the Israel Prize, Netanyahu's education minister showed contempt for much more
14:19:04 ◀︎ Barbra Streisand shines a subtle light on antisemitism in award acceptance speech
15:35:22 ◀︎ Coffee is in danger. Could salvation for caffeine addicts come from the lab?
16:12:15 ◀︎ The shrewdest ruler in the Middle East: What to know about the emir of Qatar
16:57:33 ◀︎ When violence dominates local Arab-Israeli elections, democracy loses
17:03:07 ◀︎ The case for a tuberculosis vaccine to prevent dementia
17:24:13 ◀︎ Israel to submit report to ICJ detailing actions in Gaza Strip do not constitute genocide
17:51:58 ◀︎ Palestinian prime minister to tender government's resignation; Abbas' acceptance pending
17:57:29 ◀︎ U.S. soldier fatally set himself on fire outside Israeli embassy in protest of American support of Gaza war
18:28:27 ◀︎ Israeli intelligence agencies detected Israeli SIM cards activated by Hamas hours before Oct 7 assault
19:30:12 ◀︎ On Israeli TV, you're an antisemite if you dare mention the occupation
19:30:12 ◀︎ Israel's airstrikes reach Hezbollah stronghold 'deep inside Lebanon' for first time in war
20:00:07 ◀︎ Israel at war: What you need to know – day 143
20:31:01 ◀︎ Netanyahu admits knowing of only 'few' Israeli SIM cards activated by Hamas on Oct. 7, contrary to earlier denial
21:36:31 ◀︎ Petition signed by thousands of artists and curators aims to exclude Israel from Venice Biennale
22:41:47 ◀︎ Bank of Israel holds interest rate unchanged at 4.5%, citing persistent uncertainty amid Gaza war
22:59:18 ◀︎ Authorities to investigate Berlinale cases of onstage criticism of Israel's Gaza conduct
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27