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כ"ז באדר התשע"ח
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00:36:11 ◀︎ NYT: Trump considers Rick Perry for veterans affairs secretary
02:05:08 ◀︎ Russia says is not responding to British ultimatum on nerve attack
02:49:21 ◀︎ Three men charged with Minnesota mosque bombing
05:09:41 ◀︎ China official: China, U.S. should take responsibility for steady global growth
06:11:02 ◀︎ Stephen Hawking dies at the age of 76
08:00:25 ◀︎ Seven suspects arrested in overnight raids by Israeli security forces
08:11:57 ◀︎ Russia doubts U.S. nominee to replace Tillerson will take softer approach
09:06:44 ◀︎ Philippines Duterte to issue notice of withdrawal from ICC
09:50:10 ◀︎ Air strike kills two commanders in eastern Ghouta rebel group
10:12:30 ◀︎ Russian, Turkish foreign ministers to discuss Syria's eastern Ghouta
11:05:52 ◀︎ German lawmakers elect Merkel to fourth term as chancellor
11:06:59 ◀︎ Jailed Hebron shooter Elor Azaria asks for sentence to be cut by half
11:17:59 ◀︎ U.N.: Syria's Afrin cut off from water
11:41:16 ◀︎ Russia hopes for constructive ties with US after Tillerson firing
12:18:12 ◀︎ Russia says delivery of missiles to Turkey to speed up
12:50:42 ◀︎ Pro-Assad forces shell Turkish positions in Syria
12:51:47 ◀︎ Syrian Kurdish YPG says Ankara unrealistic about Afrin capture
14:11:22 ◀︎ Report: Britain to expel significant number of Russian diplomats
14:47:56 ◀︎ Iran playing down potential impact of new US sec. of state nominee on nuclear deal
15:45:44 ◀︎ UK expulsion of envoys unacceptable and short-sighted, Russian embassy says
15:53:29 ◀︎ Hungary sentences Syrian migrant to seven years for border riot
16:11:32 ◀︎ Britain will stand up to any threats from Russia, says PM May
18:14:44 ◀︎ Poland calls on Russia to answer questions in spy case
19:03:28 ◀︎ Trump reportedly taps commentator Kudlow to be economic adviser
19:51:17 ◀︎ Florida judge enters not-guilty plea for suspected Parkland shooter
19:52:27 ◀︎ Bomb targets police in Pakistan, killing seven people in eastern city of Lahore
20:56:08 ◀︎ FBI official scorned by Trump may be fired days before retirement, reports say
22:01:05 ◀︎ U.S. Ambassador Haley tells U.N. Russia responsible for chemical attack
23:44:09 ◀︎ Italy's League leader opens door to government deal with 5-Star
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27