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ט"ו באדר התשע"ו
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14:02:51 ◀︎ Live blog: Justice Ministry okays ‘cultural loyalty’ bill
14:04:55 ◀︎ Live blog: French Jewish teacher arrested for lying over IS attack
14:17:20 ◀︎ Live blog: Israel stops Kenyan president visiting West Bank
14:27:46 ◀︎ Live blog: Swedish teen rescued from IS: I had no idea what group was
14:32:57 ◀︎ Live blog: Israeli dies of injuries from errant IDF gunfire in stabbing attack
14:41:16 ◀︎ Live blog: Netanyahu and Putin talk by phone, discuss Mideast
14:44:22 ◀︎ Live blog: Hungary to hold referendum on EU migrant quota
14:51:37 ◀︎ Live blog: Israeli killed in West Bank named as Eliav Gelman
14:55:47 ◀︎ Live blog: Tractor driver injured when he drives over landmine
15:07:14 ◀︎ Live blog: Iran pledges money for families of Palestinian terrorists
15:13:26 ◀︎ Live blog: Initial IDF probe: Israeli killed in attack shot by 2 soldiers
15:26:53 ◀︎ Live blog: Khamenei: Iranians want MPs who won’t be intimidated by US
15:47:49 ◀︎ Live blog: Brother of Etzion attack victim: He fell in battle
15:47:49 ◀︎ Live blog: Israeli killed in West Bank named as reserve officer Eliav Gelman
16:06:21 ◀︎ Live blog: Labour candidate for London mayor: I’m against Israel boycott
16:07:23 ◀︎ Live blog: Egypt: ‘Personal reasons’ behind murder of Italian student
16:15:38 ◀︎ Live blog: IDF said to back Gaza seaport, while PM and Ya’alon oppose
16:24:54 ◀︎ Live blog: TAU archaeologists find 3,000-year-old fabrics near Eilat
16:49:51 ◀︎ Live blog: For first time, Sissi says Russian plane downed by ‘terrorism’
16:53:58 ◀︎ Live blog: Rivlin: Zero tolerance for terrorism
17:12:34 ◀︎ Live blog: IDF still probing alleged 2014 Gaza war violations
17:16:46 ◀︎ Live blog: Man killed in West Bank attack to be buried tonight
17:26:15 ◀︎ Live blog: Ultra-Orthodox man kills himself on Miami turnpike
17:28:25 ◀︎ Live blog: Ya’alon: Iran building terror network in Europe, US
18:00:52 ◀︎ Live blog: PM names retired officer as new national security adviser
18:43:08 ◀︎ Live blog: Police find bodies of 2 men in Petah Tikva home
18:44:20 ◀︎ Live blog: Rivlin denies Arab MK entry to official event
18:45:30 ◀︎ Live blog: Knesset votes down civil marriage bill
19:07:47 ◀︎ Live blog: Kerry: Settlement building does not help tensions
19:18:49 ◀︎ Live blog: IDF posthumously promotes officer killed in attack
19:24:19 ◀︎ Live blog: Bennett praises Bar-Yosef appointment as national security chief
19:42:05 ◀︎ Live blog: 5 members of ancient Chinese Jewish community moving to Israel
20:00:02 ◀︎ Live blog: Member of security forces suspected in murder-suicide
20:02:13 ◀︎ Live blog: UN carries out first humanitarian airdrop in Syria
20:15:30 ◀︎ Live blog: Israel slams Iran donations to Palestinian terrorists
20:16:36 ◀︎ Live blog: Zahalka hits back at Rivlin for denying his entry to event
20:27:50 ◀︎ Live blog: LA Times publishes ad accusing Israel of apartheid
20:30:04 ◀︎ Live blog: Ya’alon urges Gulf states to work with Israel
20:53:29 ◀︎ Live blog: Yemen: Hezbollah fighting with Iran-backed Huthi rebels
21:06:48 ◀︎ Live blog: After protests, Hungary nixes unveiling for statue of WWII-era leader
21:24:37 ◀︎ Live blog: US rabbis slam ‘ignorant’ MK who compared Reform Jews to mentally ill
21:27:57 ◀︎ Live blog: Obama: Important to give Israelis, Palestinians hope
21:37:48 ◀︎ Live blog: Wife of jailed Fatah leader says he’ll run for PA presidency
22:13:03 ◀︎ Live blog: Hundreds mourn Eliav Gelman at late night funeral