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כ"ה בתשרי התשע"ז
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14:09:24 ◀︎ Live blog: Palestinian Jerusalem resident held for plotting attack
14:10:40 ◀︎ Live blog: 2 Yazidi survivors of IS win Sakharov prize
14:22:05 ◀︎ Live blog: US general says 800-900 IS fighters killed in Mosul
14:44:25 ◀︎ Live blog: NIS 34m more approved for Holocaust survivors
15:23:11 ◀︎ Live blog: Far-right MK Smotrich calls Arab students ‘illiterate’
15:27:04 ◀︎ Live blog: Israeli student documentary makes Academy Award shortlist
15:30:54 ◀︎ Live blog: French Jews rally against silence on UNESCO Jerusalem votes
16:01:31 ◀︎ Live blog: Jordan spokesman mocks Israel over UNESCO
16:16:46 ◀︎ Live blog: Syria complains to UNESCO over Israeli Golan digs
17:19:18 ◀︎ Live blog: Rivlin visits family of teen killed in Egypt border shooting
17:33:16 ◀︎ Live blog: Overheating, El Al flight to Madrid turns back
18:01:21 ◀︎ Live blog: Netanyahu unveils new memorial to Altalena
18:19:14 ◀︎ Live blog: Israel says no archaeological digs in Syria village
18:20:32 ◀︎ Live blog: 4 Iranian arms shipments to Yemen stopped: US admiral
18:24:24 ◀︎ Live blog: Man shot dead after stabbing guard at US Embassy in Kenya
19:23:09 ◀︎ Live blog: Monument at Palestinian university encourages martyrdom
19:33:16 ◀︎ Live blog: Widespread El Al delays at Ben Gurion
19:40:42 ◀︎ Live blog: Putin slams claims of Russian meddling in US election as ‘hysteria’
19:55:55 ◀︎ Live blog: Jesus burial place exposed for first time in centuries, report
20:12:37 ◀︎ Live blog: Netanyahu in secret meeting on bad-boy MK, report
20:47:06 ◀︎ Live blog: Abbas meeting with Hamas leaders in Doha, report
21:43:12 ◀︎ Live blog: President of Fiji forced to land in Eilat