צפיות בכותרות
ה' בתמוז התשע"ד
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00:42:35 ◀︎ US ship sails off to destroy Syrian weapons at sea
01:11:30 ◀︎ Code Red sirens blare in Sderot, Sha'ar HaNegev
01:16:53 ◀︎ Rocket damages Sderot structure; no injuries
07:48:21 ◀︎ Six rockets fired at southern Israel; 2 shot down by Iron Dome
07:48:21 ◀︎ IAF attacks 15 Hamas terror targets in Gaza
09:14:18 ◀︎ Gaza rocket hits Sderot home hosting summer-camp
09:14:18 ◀︎ IDF arrests 13 Palestinians, 2 Hamas charity institutions shut down
10:12:33 ◀︎ Saudi Arabia deploys 30,000 soldiers to border with Iraq
12:02:41 ◀︎ Iran, world powers resume to reach nuclear deal by July 20
12:02:42 ◀︎ EU court scraps sanctions on Iranian university
13:10:42 ◀︎ Israel Police search north after girl's emergency call ends abruptly with screams
13:18:14 ◀︎ Code Red Siren sounded in Sderot
13:18:14 ◀︎ Rocket fired at Sderot, Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council
13:26:46 ◀︎ President-elect Rivlin slams those inciting to violence against Arabs
13:46:04 ◀︎ UN condemns Israeli, Palestinian attacks
14:45:42 ◀︎ Rocket hits near Ofakim, extending range of rockets fired at Israel Thursday
15:01:07 ◀︎ Former US ambassador slams calls for revenge of Israeli teens’ death
15:10:52 ◀︎ Ex-shin bet head Dicter: Gaza op could last a year or more if we want to destroy terror
15:10:52 ◀︎ UN urges Iran nuclear talks to include human rights
15:25:54 ◀︎ Education Ministry urges restrain after youths call for revenge against Arabs
15:31:12 ◀︎ IAF hits Gaza targets after rockets rain on Israel
17:22:00 ◀︎ Dozens protest in Umm al-Fahm
17:32:39 ◀︎ Security Cabinet convenes to discuss options amidst rising tensions
17:42:19 ◀︎ Sderot protesters call for military action in Gaza
17:51:57 ◀︎ ISIS captures Syria's largest oil field giving group more resources, funds
18:41:19 ◀︎ Hamas military wing threatens Israel: We'll strike new targets
19:13:22 ◀︎ Code Red sounded in Sderot and the Sha'ar HaNegev
19:46:53 ◀︎ Five dead in Cairo on anniversary of Morsi ouster
20:25:46 ◀︎ Code Red siren sounded in Sderot, Eshkol
21:13:00 ◀︎ Peres: 'People engaged in incitement are not always aware where it can lead'
21:38:46 ◀︎ US wants sharp reduction of Iran's enrichment capacity