צפיות בכותרות
כ"ז בתמוז התשע"ד
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00:01:56 ◀︎ Far-right party in Hungary wants Israel boycott
00:06:25 ◀︎ Temple Mount riots: 3 policemen wounded by fireworks
00:24:29 ◀︎ Riots in Qalandiya: Palestinians firing live ammunition at policemen, no injuries
00:24:29 ◀︎ Fireworks shot in neighborhoods of Abu Tor and East Talpiot, no injuries; police on scene
00:36:48 ◀︎ Cleared for publication: Golani Brigade soldier seriously wounded in Gaza tunnel wall collapse
00:36:48 ◀︎ Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claim responsibility for shooting at policemen in Qalandiya
00:51:28 ◀︎ Report: Another Palestinian killed by security forces' fire in Qalandiya
01:10:25 ◀︎ Gaza official: 800 Palestinians killed since Operation Protective Edge first launched
08:00:17 ◀︎ Code red sirens heard in Ashkelon
08:00:18 ◀︎ Hamas: 'Important for protests to expand an spread to whole of West Bank'
08:04:48 ◀︎ 39 arrested in East jerusalem riots
08:04:48 ◀︎ Iron Dome downs Gaza rocket over Ashkelon
08:04:48 ◀︎ Hamas official: Blood of Gaza angers the West Bank
08:44:00 ◀︎ Report: US source says Kerry negotiating week-long Gaza ceasefire
09:12:07 ◀︎ Palestinians: Hamas agreed to principles of 5 day humanitarian ceasefire
09:16:38 ◀︎ Reports: Jordan downs Syrian UAV
09:21:06 ◀︎ Shin Bet: Islamic Jihad official killed in Rafah attack
09:31:05 ◀︎ Qatar to Peres: We don't attack children and schools
09:35:44 ◀︎ Kerem Shalom opened for transport of aid until 3pm
09:54:31 ◀︎ Reports: Israeli UAV kills 3 Ansar Bait al-Maqdis militants
10:05:47 ◀︎ Official: Israel Cabinet to discuss cease-fire
10:43:58 ◀︎ IDF to civilians: Stay clear of closed military zones around Gaza
11:08:55 ◀︎ Air Berlin, Lufthansa extend suspension of flights to Israel
11:08:56 ◀︎ Code red sirens heard in the Hof Ashkelon Regional council
11:14:36 ◀︎ Code red sirens heard across central Israel
11:19:14 ◀︎ Iron Dome downs 4 rockets over Hof Ashkelon Regional Council
11:30:56 ◀︎ Iron Dome downs rocket over Sharon, another falls in open area
11:40:59 ◀︎ Rocket fire damages building in Ashkelon; no injuries reported
11:46:37 ◀︎ Iranians protest on International Quds Day: 'Death to Israel'
11:46:37 ◀︎ Hamas: We fired 2 rockets at Tel Aviv, 5 on Ashkelon
11:52:10 ◀︎ Code red sirens heard in Yavne, Nes Tziona, Rehovot, Rishon LeTzion and Hof Ashkelon Regional Council
11:52:10 ◀︎ Code red sirens heard in Tel Aviv and all of central Israel
12:01:32 ◀︎ Aharonovich: 'We won't allow for riots'
12:01:32 ◀︎ Hamas: We fired 3 rockets to central Israel
12:06:01 ◀︎ Iron Dome downs 2 rockets over central Israel
12:26:52 ◀︎ Code red sirens heard in the Eshkol Regional Council
12:26:52 ◀︎ Bayit Yehudi source: Bennett opposses ceasefire with Hamas
12:42:02 ◀︎ MK Sa'ar; 'Postpone ceasefire and expand operation'
12:51:06 ◀︎ WHO: Open humanitarian corridor in Gaza to evacuate wounded
12:55:43 ◀︎ MK Regev to Netanyahu: Israel 'closer than ever' to reaching operation's goals
13:00:17 ◀︎ Turkish foreign minister to travel to Qatar to negotiate Gaza ceasefire
13:04:57 ◀︎ Man hit by car during air raid sirens in Rishon LeTzion
13:04:57 ◀︎ Cabinet meeting postponed to 3pm
13:04:57 ◀︎ Norway says Islamist militants planning attack in West have left Syria
13:11:50 ◀︎ Israeli club's Austria game canceled over security
13:16:19 ◀︎ Rouhani: 'Muslim world needs to be united against Israel'
13:20:53 ◀︎ MK Erdan expected to oppose ceasefire in Cabinet meeting
13:20:54 ◀︎ UNRWA: No evidence that rockets were stored in Beit Hanoun school
13:26:31 ◀︎ MK Aharonovich: 'Ceasefire without uncovering the tunnels is a mistake'
13:30:56 ◀︎ Israeli source to Reuters: Waiting for Hamas' answer on Kerry ceasefire deal