צפיות בכותרות
ה' באב התשע"ד
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14:47:06 ◀︎ Hamas official: I have no information regarding soldier's abduction
14:56:26 ◀︎ Cleared for publication: Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin missing in action, possibly abducted
15:04:30 ◀︎ Palestinians: Death toll in Israeli shelling at Rafah over 50
15:11:27 ◀︎ Source in Islamic Jihad: Egyptians have postponed ceasefire talks until futher notice
15:18:21 ◀︎ Cleared for publication: 2 IDF soldiers killed in clashes near Rafah
15:32:14 ◀︎ Saudi King Abdullah criticizes lack of internation action against Israeli 'war crimes' in Gaza
15:33:24 ◀︎ White House: Adbuction of Israeli soldier at 'barbaric' violation of ceasefire
15:33:24 ◀︎ Osama Hamdan: Hamas ready for talks Friday night or Saturday morning
15:38:03 ◀︎ White House: Kerry spoke with Netanyahu after collapse of ceasefire
15:38:04 ◀︎ Security Cabinet to meet Friday evening at 5:30pm
15:43:52 ◀︎ Giora Eiland to Ynet: abduction 'shuffled the cards', expect further escalation
15:47:23 ◀︎ Netanyahu to Kerry: 'Hamas will bear the consequences for gross violation of ceasefire'
15:53:10 ◀︎ PA: Palestinian envoy to go to Cairo regardless of circumstances
15:53:10 ◀︎ White House calls on Hamas to release abducted soldier
16:04:50 ◀︎ MK Danon to Ynet: If the soldier isn't returned, 'we should start leveling Gaza'
16:04:50 ◀︎ Hamas official: 'Our commitment to calm is contingent on the commitment of the enemy'
16:10:35 ◀︎ Nitzan Nuriel: 'Taking over Gaza won't lead anywhere'
16:10:35 ◀︎ Ashkelon mayor to Ynet: 'Whoever chases a ceasefire - fire chases him'
16:34:52 ◀︎ Report: Hamas claims responsibility for kidnapping
16:39:25 ◀︎ BBC: UK looking into reports that missing soldier is British-Israeli national
17:06:01 ◀︎ Palestinian report: Man killed in Tulkarm in conflicts between rioters, police
17:06:01 ◀︎ Sdot Negev Chairman: South regional councils chiefs against ceasefire
17:12:59 ◀︎ Jordan: Thousands protest in support of Hamas
17:17:37 ◀︎ Three rockets land near communities in Eshkol Regional Council
17:26:57 ◀︎ Brig. Gen. (ret) Zvika Fogel: 'I would tell the cabinet to give IDF the go ahead'
17:39:35 ◀︎ IDF release names of two soldiers killed earlier today
18:06:07 ◀︎ Two rockets land in Eshkol, Sdot Negev Regional Councils, no injuries
18:30:21 ◀︎ Code red alert sounds in Eshkol Regional Council.
18:40:51 ◀︎ Kerry: Outrageous violation of ceasefire, Hamas to free abducted soldier immediately
19:15:45 ◀︎ Code red alert sounds in Hof Ashkelon Regional Council
19:21:36 ◀︎ US Senate authorize aid of $225 million for Iron Dome system
19:21:36 ◀︎ Poland marks 70th anniversary of Warsaw Uprising
19:32:00 ◀︎ Code red alert sounds in Eshkol
19:37:49 ◀︎ UN secretary-general: Shocked, disappointed at Hamas violation of ceasefire
19:37:49 ◀︎ IDF attacks in Rafah, Khan Younis and Eastern Gaza City
19:43:36 ◀︎ Code red alert sounds in Eshkol Regional Council
19:52:51 ◀︎ Prosor to UN Secretary-General: 'Time to acknowledge Hamas as terror organization
22:08:10 ◀︎ Former Shin Bet Chief Dichter: It's time for 'Defensive Shield' in Gaza
22:08:10 ◀︎ Report: IDF calls Rafah residents to stay inside homes
22:08:10 ◀︎ IDF attacks more than 80 targets, hit 12 terrorists in southern Gaza Strip
22:08:10 ◀︎ Code red alert sounds in Ashdod, Ashkelon
22:08:10 ◀︎ Turkey: Ready to assist US with abducted soldier
22:09:20 ◀︎ Obama: John Kerry has endured unfair criticism simply trying to end the killings
22:13:58 ◀︎ Obama: Abducted soldier needs to be unconditionally released as soon as possible
22:19:48 ◀︎ Obama: Condemn Hamas, Palestinian factions for breaking ceasefire
23:37:20 ◀︎ Rafah hospital evacuated due to heavy bombardment in the area
23:45:21 ◀︎ Four cars with Israeli flags set on fire in Jerusalem