צפיות בכותרות
י' בכסלו התשע"ה
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08:03:42 ◀︎ Report: Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan smuggled weapons for attacks in West Bank
08:03:42 ◀︎ Gunmen kill 36 workers in a Kenyan quarry near Somalia border
08:03:42 ◀︎ US attorney general to issue new guidance on racial profiling
08:14:04 ◀︎ UN Security Council to consider Palestine resolution 'soon'
08:33:41 ◀︎ FBI: Investigating hack into Sony computers
08:33:41 ◀︎ Truck with hazardous material overturns in southern Israel
08:51:10 ◀︎ Islamic State group leader's wife arrested on border crossing between Lebanon and Syria
08:51:10 ◀︎ Herzog: 'I am capable of replacing Netanyahu'
09:00:28 ◀︎ Three arrested on suspicion of involvment in Sunday vehicular attack in West Bank
09:09:52 ◀︎ Shelah: 'Netanyahu did not try to negotiate a continued coalition'
09:37:48 ◀︎ Haredi parties to Netanyahu: If you reconcile with Lapid, you can forget any post-election deal
09:47:04 ◀︎ Elkin: Nation will choose who they want as Prime Minister
09:47:04 ◀︎ Yishai: Shas will not go with Lapid
09:56:26 ◀︎ Lapid on Netanyahu: Irresponsible, made bad, old-fashioned deal with ultra-Orthodox
09:56:26 ◀︎ 60-year-old man remains in critical condition after hit-and-run
10:17:14 ◀︎ Afghan official says insurgents kill 6 soldiers
10:17:14 ◀︎ Margalit: This is one of the worst governments in Israel's history
11:02:15 ◀︎ Livni: Recent attacks are just a taste of what could happen here if country continues to be mismanaged
11:12:43 ◀︎ Indictment filed against E. J'lem resident who incited violence on social media
11:12:43 ◀︎ Saudi IS supporters claim they shot Danish man
11:17:21 ◀︎ Livni: The elections will be between provocative, paranoid government and Zionist government
11:33:24 ◀︎ Rivlin: Israelis feel like game of soccer taken from them
11:33:24 ◀︎ Likud: Yair Lapid failed miserably in managing the economy
12:03:38 ◀︎ Egyptian Attorney General instructed to begin appeal of cancelled Mubarak conviction
13:59:32 ◀︎ Pope's anti-slavery drive gets multifaith support
13:59:32 ◀︎ Shas leader Deri: Even yesterday efforts were made to recruit me to a government without Netanyahu
14:10:19 ◀︎ Likud chair Danny Danon: Lapid's 'amateurish antics' have dragged Israel into 'unnecessary and expensive early election'
14:29:42 ◀︎ Iraq reaches major oil deal with Kurds
14:58:49 ◀︎ Libya official says airstrikes hit food warehouse
16:15:04 ◀︎ Lieberman: We need a government that can deal with all the challenges Israel faces
17:08:38 ◀︎ CNN: Obama expected to nominate Ashton Carter to lead Pentagon
17:16:08 ◀︎ Egypt's top prosecutor to appeal Mubarak verdict
18:14:10 ◀︎ Zoabi: United Arab list could win 16 Knesset seats
18:33:24 ◀︎ Netanyahu fires Lapid, Livni
19:04:31 ◀︎ Yesh Atid ministers say if they are not fired, they will resign
20:03:44 ◀︎ UN assembly calls on Israel to join nuclear treaty
20:03:44 ◀︎ Livni to Netanyahu: It's a pity you couldn't fire me in person
21:50:16 ◀︎ Jordan hopes for December vote on a UN Palestinian resolution
22:17:11 ◀︎ Next elections either on 10, 17, or 27 of March
22:36:26 ◀︎ Kerry: We hope new gov't can move towards Israeli-Palestinian peace